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Re: Fwd: [GreenYes] Proposed San Jose EPP Policy
Hi all,

Have any of you read over the proposed EPP policy for the city of SJ.  I'm interested in thoughts, opinions etc regarding this draft policy. 

I just read through it myself and the values are just fine but there are no methods for getting any of the points accomplished.  For example: point 5 on pg. 3 states that SJ will " encourage providers of services to consider environmental impacts of service delivery" but does not state how the city will accomplish this goal.

Also, there is nothing product specific in this policy except for "uncertified hardwoods".  It seems like there should be more product specific language in this policy.

Please, submit comments to me as I will be submitting  comments to the city tomorrow before 5.  The URL for the draft policy is below. I look forward to your comments.

Olga Meydbray
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
760 N. 1st St. San Jose, CA 95116

At 11:12 AM 9/4/01 -0700, Ted Smith wrote:
this is an opportunity to weigh in on a proposed new enviornmentally preferable purchasing policy for the city of San Jose.  It could be very inmportant.  Please review the draft policy at
We should submit comments on the policy by Friday 9/7 and I will be out of town.  I'd like Olga to take the lead on developing comments and ask others to submit their throughts to her.



X-Authentication-Warning: grrn_42 set sender to using -f
From: "Lacaze, Skip" <>
To: "''" <>
Cc: "Walsh, Matthew" <>
Subject: [GreenYes] Proposed San Jose EPP Policy
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 10:58:55 -0700
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
Reply-To: "Lacaze, Skip" <>

> The City of San Jose is considering the adoption of an Environmentally
> Preferable Procurement (EPP) Policy.  The new policy would replace the
> Source Reduction and Recycling Procurement Policy of 1990, providing for
> broader consideration of resource and energy conservation benefits,
> toxicity, and manufacturing impacts, rather than focusing almost entirely
> on the purchase of recycled content products.
> The proposed policy will be considered by the City Council's Economic
> Development and Environment Committee at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, September
> 10, 2001, in Room 204 of City Hall.
> We invite your comments on the proposed policy, either in writing or at a
> stakeholder meeting at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, September 7, 2001.  The
> meeting will be held at the offices of the Purchasing Division, 1661
> Senter Road, San Jose, California.  Written comments may be returned to me
> by e-mail, fax, or post.  I must receive any written comments by 5 p.m. on
> September 7 in order to incorporate them into the Committee presentation.
> If your organization has a written procurement policy dealing with any EPP
> issues, we would appreciate a copy by e-mail or fax--my contact
> information is below.  If Council approves the Policy, we will be seeking
> stakeholder participation in the development of procedures and other
> implementation tasks.  Let me know if you are interested.
> The proposed EPP Policy and the meeting notice can be found at
> If you would like a copy of the staff report, please send your request
> directly to me, using the link below.  PLEASE DO NOT USE "REPLY."
> Skip Lacaze
> Civic Services Manager
> Integrated Waste Management Division
> Environmental Services Department
> 777 N 1st Street, Suite 300
> San Jose, CA 95112
> voice:        408/277-3994
> fax:  408/277-3669
> 100% San Jose. Recycle where you Live, Work and Play
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Ted Smith
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
Campaign for Responsible Technology
760 N. First Street
San Jose, CA 95112
Food for thought:

How Gandhi Defined the Seven Deadly Sins

· Wealth without work

· Pleasure without conscience

· Knowledge without character

· Commerce without morality

· Science without humanity

· Worship without sacrifice

· Politics without principle

Olga Meydbray
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
760 N. 1st St.
San Jose, CA 95112

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