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San Fran Houses available for the moving.
As you know, we do not send attached files. If you are interested,
contact Kevin below.
Attached are photos of houses in SF that are
slated for
demolition, but could be had for the cost of moving. The
2 story 1890's
Victorian is on 3272 California, just west of Presidio.
It is facing
demolition in less than a month.
The cottages are 1907 post-earthquake versions.
The process is
probably going to take a bit longer.
House moving costs $30,000-50,000 to get it
in the air and moved
with in 3-5 mile radius. Digging a foundation
is from $15,000 to
whatever, starting with just a basic 1,200
square foot standard
stem wall for a cottage. The biggest
factor is distance to be
moved and the route that is possible for use.
Let him know if you have any one interested.
Kevin Drew
SF Solid Waste Management
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