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RE: plastic bags
Trex is a company here in the Pacific North West that is recycling film
plastic and scrap wood to produce lumber products. Most of the feedstock
they procure here locally (Portland Metro Region) was destined for tranfer
They primarilly provide services to large quantity commercial generators
but, may be able to source you to one of their Seattle customers as an
outlet. I'm not sure if they can do this for you but you can try
contacting Ryan Rasmussen for more information. His contact info is below.
Also check out their website for an incredible picture of a deck made from
old plastic bags and other waste materials. - http://www.trex.com
Ryan Rasmussen
Material Sourcing Representative
> ----------
> From: GW K[SMTP:simplyorganic@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 12:17 PM
> To: multiple recipients of
> Subject: Re: plastic bags
> Along with the personal element to plastic bags I was
> also interested in any science that might be able to
> take the plastic from bags or recycled "bag" products
> and "return" it to a usable form for the planet
> because even if we recycle, it still will end up in a
> landfill or burned, at this point. I am not a
> scientist but I do consider myself something of an
> Alchemist and would love to experiment with options to
> complete the cycle of our use of "Earth Stuff".
> :)
> Glen Koch
> Seattle, Wa
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