----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 7:20 AM
Subject: Re: Recycled materials
Dear Susan and Mary,
thanks for your inquiry, sorry it's taken a
while to get back to you but I have a two month old baby, and a toddler, and
my emails have been banking up.
I would love to say that Feral Cheryl is made
from recycled plastics...but that's not the case. I deal with a small
Australian manufacturer who makes the doll bodies, and they don't have the
technology at this stage to use recycled plastics in the process.
She is made of pvc plastic. However, unlike Barbie, there is only one
model so the idea is that no one should have more than one Feral Cheryl, and
you don't throw her away. Her packaging is made of recycled cardboard,
and doubles as a postage pack for sending. The rest of the doll is made from
new materials...thread, beads, fabric. As it says on the poster that
comes with the doll..if you need more clothes for her, make them out of scrap
When I first started out on this
project, I had a lot of plans for how she could be made of recycled and reused
materials...and your inquiry has prompted me to look into that again.
Lee Duncan
Feral Cheryl Dolls
Nimbin St
The Channon. NSW. 2480
ph: 61 2 6688 6444
fax: 61 2 6688 6445
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 11:43
Subject: Recycled materials
How much of feral cheryl is recycled?
Can yougive info on the plastic content.?