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[GreenYes] Plastics News
The following is an editorial from this week's Plastics News commenting on the Bill Moyers' documentary, Trade Secrets. While it does not speak all too kindly of Moyers, it is quite important to note that it also takes the chemical industry to task for its shortcomings.
I mention this because it is very unique for a trade magazine to be relatively even handed in its political statements as well as news coverage. You should know that PN often gets attacked with veiled threats of retaliation from the plastics industry for other such examples, its unwavering support for bottle bills being one.
It would seem to well serve the recycling community to subscribe to PN in order to not only receive useful information about plastics and recycling but also to provide the magazine with a broader base of readers to sustain its editorial independence. Subscriptions are $64/yr to PN, Box 07938, Detroit MI 48207.
April 30, 2001
Bill Moyers, ACC mishandle `Trade
The recent Bill Moyers documentary Trade Secrets outlines what it
claims is a pattern of vinyl chloride industry coverups of workers
getting sick and dying from exposure factories.
It´s a powerful tale. And it brought a swift response from industry,
claiming Moyers omitted key facts.
Anyone with Internet access can look for themselves: Moyers puts
the documents on the Web at www.pbs.org/tradesecrets. Industry
responds at www.abouttradesecrets.org.
Here´s our two cents. Moyers did not present an even-handed
version of events. But the industry, in its response, engages in
troubling distortions.
The documentary itself is one-sided because industry members are
not given a chance to respond during the 90-minute report. Instead,
they are relegated to sharing a 30-minute discussion after.
Moyers accuses the industry of conspiring to keep secret a study by
Italian researcher Cesare Maltoni showing that vinyl chloride
exposure caused liver cancer. But U.S. industry argues that Maltoni
did not want to share the early data, so the companies entered a
confidentiality agreement that allowed them to see preliminary
results -- viewers should have been made aware of this.
In other areas, like phthalates, Moyers´ treatment is misleadingly
brief. He says that one phthalate, DEHP, was found in 1980 to be
carcinogenic in animals. Industry met several times behind closed
doors with the Environmental Protection Agency, and the EPA
decided to take no action, Moyers says.
But the debate is much more complex. A panel of government
scientists last year, for example, raised concerns about some
medical uses for DEHP, but said in most cases people are not
getting anywhere close to harmful levels. And the panel noted that
DEHP use in medical products carries benefits.
On the other hand, we also feel that the industry offered some
misleading versions of events. Take the Italian study on liver cancer.
The American Chemistry Council claims U.S. government officials
were told of that very important study in July 1973.
But ACC neglects to mention that the director of the National
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Dr. Marcus Key, said
quite clearly that industry did not talk about the link with liver cancer
in the July 1973 meeting.
Key told Congress in an August 1974 hearing: "I would like to
re-emphasize that no information about liver cancer was given. If
there had been, I think we would have taken an entirely different
course of action in view of the widespread use of this material."
ACC also was taken to task by the group Environmental Defense for
telling Moyers that information about chemical testing has been
disclosed. It has not, which is why ACC is partnering with ED to
release the information.
It´s troubling if the public comes away from Moyers´ documentary
thinking that U.S. chemicals policy is determined chiefly by default,
by a spineless government that lets industry do what it wants. That´s
But it´s also going to be very difficult for the public to trust the
chemical industry until executives and trade association leaders are
able to own up to past mistakes honestly.
Peter Anderson
4513 Vernon Blvd. Suite 15
Madison, WI 53705
(608) 231-1100/Fax (608) 233-0011
email: anderson@recycleworlds.org
web: www.recycleworlds.org
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