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Re: E-M:/ Turkey fryer oil disposal
Yeah, I read about a guy that set up a Mercedes automobile equipped with a
diesel engine to run on Fryolator oil.  That's one option.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pete Pasterz <>
To: <>; <>; <>
Date: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: E-M:/ Turkey fryer oil disposal

This is from another listserv, PLEASE REPLY DIRECTLY TO LORI, NOT JUST TO

>>> "Lori Thomas" <> 05/02/01 10:35AM >>>

There are a number of people calling recycling and solid waste hotlines in
our community wondering what do to with the oil that is leftover from turkey
fryers.  Typically, there is between 15-30 gallons of oil per individual
that needs to be disposed of.

We have been encouraging individuals to contact restaurants who may save
their leftover oil for sale to a rendering plant, but would like to offer
another option.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Lori Thomas
City of Lansing
Waste Reduction Services

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