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Re: [GreenYes] European Taxes on Recyclable Commodies
     It was Denmark.  The Danish EPA's June 2000 press release on the study used as the basis for the tax goes as follows:

>Different packagings  different environmental impacts
>New packaging study shows that the impacts on the environment from i.a. cardboard and PVC packaging differ greatly
>The Danish EPA has drawn up a profile of the 11 packaging materials most commonly used in Denmark. From the study appears that cardboard and glass present the least burdens on the environment, followed by plastic material  polyethylene, polypropylene, PET and polystyrene. Next in line are expanded polystyrene, PVC and steel, while aluminium has the largest environmental impact  measured by kilo of packaging.
>The total impact on the environment from packaging material will, however, depend on the quantity of material required for specific packaging purposes. Glass weighs more than plastic, which means that  for specific packaging purposes - plastic may be less harmful to the environment than glass.
>The packaging materials were examined with regard to energy consumption, CO2 emission, environmental effects, consumption of fossil resources, and waste, based on the most important impacts during the life cycle of the packaging materials.

The study is the first of its kind, and according to plans it will be form part of the future revision of the packaging tax. The Danish EPA has used the results to draw up an environmental index specifying the environmental load of the materials. Since it is still not scientifically possible to put the various environmental loads together into one single figure, the index is divided into a technical section with environmental profiles, and a political section evaluating and comparing the different impacts against each other. The material, presented in a discussion paper, is now circulated for consideration among the trades and organizations involved.

With the new results we may develop a tax based on the environmental load of the packaging materials, and enterprises and manufacturers have a tool allowing them to choose the environmentally safest alternative. The present tax is based only on weight  and not on the environmental impact  of the packaging materials.
>The new study is presented in the report "Miljxparametre til miljxindeks for emballageafgifter", available (in Danish).
>Further information: Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Household Waste Division, Head of Division Christian Fischer, tel: (+45) 32 66 01 98, or Head of Section Mette Skovgaard, tel: (+45) 32 66 02 70.

A summary of the study can be found at:
Also, check out the story on the Environmental News Service, dated 21 Aug. 2000, at the following link:

Best Regards,
Sr. Keith Edward Ripley
Temas Actuales
telefono: 703-813-6016
telefax: 703-813-6017

Autor del libro "Solid Wastes and Recycling in Latin America & the Caribbean: Trends & Policies"

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On Tue, 03 Apr 2001 18:55:09   Christine_McCoy wrote:
>Hello All -
>I seem to recall some time ago last year there was an announcement regarding a
>system in Europe (either Denmark or the Netherlands, I believe) that was
>developed for taxing various types of packaging - paper, glass, plastic, etc.  I
>believe the system was based on some a LCA that they conducted for various
>commodities/material types.  Does anyone remember this?
>In any event, if someone does remember and can help me obtain some additional
>information that would be terrific.
>Thank you for your time and assistance in the matter!
>Christine McCoy
>Manager, Fiber Recovery and Utilization
>American Forest and Paper Association
>Phone: 202/463-2777
>Fax: 202/463-5171
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