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Re: [GreenYes] Motiviational resources for implementing a recycling program
The Harmony Foundation in BC issued a good guide back in 1991.

Workplace Guide: Practical Action for the Environment / Guide pour le milieu de travail: vers la sante environnementale (1991)
A workbook to help organizations improve environmental practices. Includes 500 specific actions, 24 pages of worksheets, and an action planner. The Workplace Guide also includes sources for more information in target areas: energy, hazardous materials, waste, water, transportation, purchasing, property management, education and excellence beyond the workplace. Foreword by Maurice Strong. $16.05(includes GST and Canadian postage)

I'm sure a search of the EPA website would also provide some good sources.
Cindy Pollock Shea

Susan & Mary wrote:

Our organization is a non-profit health svcs. organization which serves and is located in Washington DC, MD and VA--and we are implementing a "green office" policy. I am looking for resources on motiviation for employees (as b/c of union issues we cannot make anyone do anything, yet), and we have some good starting points internally, but i wonder if anyone has good tips, or resources that will help us. ThanksSusan 

Cindy Pollock Shea

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