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[GreenYes] Wood/ Lumber Based Packaging and exotic pests- danger to forest resources
- Subject: [GreenYes] Wood/ Lumber Based Packaging and exotic pests- danger to forest resources
- From: Ann Schneider <schneiderann@juno.com>
- Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 11:45:05 -0800
RE: Crates, pallets and other solid wood packaging
Of Interest to Composters/Arborists/ Wood Reusers and
Procurement Officers and Specification Writers
This is a little off the typical recycling issue but does have
bearing of those of us who work on finding reuse and
recycling markets for lumber products. This notice does
not mention or discuss if any pests introduced in pallets
and other wood packaging could be transmitted by
mulching or composting.
Back in 1990 I participated in a packaging
project. During this project, the types of packaging used in
electronics was studied and discovered the lumber based
packaging was the highest form of packaging,
corrugated paper and chipboard coming in second. I think
we all know about pallets but may not be as familiar with
other wood crating which for example is used in shipping
large computers and electronics.
If you have technical questions on this issue email to
Faith Campbell, American Lands Alliance, at 202-547-9120; or
mailto:phytodoer@aol.com <mailto:phytodoer@aol.com>
Ann Schneider
Originally sent to me by AnnettePuskarich
Subject: Packaging and exotic pests- danger to forest resources
The dangers of the global marketplace!!!!
To: Concerned Arborists
From: Faith T. Campbell, Invasive Species Program, American Lands
Date: January 26, 2001
Mark Stennes suggested I contact you concerning the need for letters to
U.S. Department of Agriculture urging strong safeguards to prevent
introduction of exotic pests that threaten our forests.
The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is accepting
comments on a Risk Assessment that analyzes the danger to America's
resources posed by pests that might be introduced on crates, pallets, and
other forms for solid wood packaging. The deadline for comments is
15, 2001. (The risk assessment can be obtained online from
http://www.aphis.usda.gov <http://www.aphis.usda.gov> .)
As arborists well know, alien or exotic pests have already severely
America's forests. The worst of 400 exotic insect species and 24
have virtually eliminated from our forests American chestnut, butternut,
Fraser fir; continue to kill American elm; and have caused severe
of western white pines, Port-Orford-cedar, eastern dogwood, eastern
hemlock, and American beech.
As trade expands, so do the opportunities for a hitchhiking pest to reach
the U.S. Our best defense is effective phytosanitary (plant health)
safeguards adopted and enforced by APHIS.
Crates, pallets, and other forms of "solid wood packing material" (SWPM)
often transmit damaging pests. The most famous example of a pest
via this pathway is the Asian longhorned beetle -- which has the
to alter North American ecosystems across the continent, especially the
million-acre northern forests dominated by maples from New England to
Wisconsin, as well as forests dominated by poplars and aspens. Efforts
exterminate the ALB have meant the destruction of more than 5,000 trees
the New York and Chicago metropolitan areas. According to the risk
assessment, if the Asian longhorned beetle became established in all
containing vulnerable tree species, damage could reach $522 billion
30 years.
Other damaging pests that have not yet been introduced, but which easily
could be, include the Sirex wood wasp and its fungus, which could attack
pines anywhere in the "lower 48". It is known to feed particularly on
California's Monterey pine and the South's widespread loblolly pine. The
European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus could threaten Sitka and
Engelmann spruces. If the associated fungus Ceratocystis polonica
were also introduced, the beetle/fungus combination could "be as
disastrous to North American spruce as the Dutch elm disease was to
elms." The European oak bark beetle could exacerbate the damage
caused by oak wilt fungus.
Since imported crates and pallets go to all parts of the country, the
danger is everywhere.
Many kinds of products are packaged in wood and APHIS lacks sufficient
personnel to inspect them all. Since APHIS often does not know whether a
particular shipment contains SWPM, much less the type of wood and
country of origin, it cannot set priorities for inspection. Besides,
often are not found by the inspectors. If a pest is present but not
detected, it can travel with the SWPM to the product's final destination
anywhere in the country. Then the SWPM is often stored outside --
providing more opportunities for pests to escape.
Although American Lands believes the risk assessment fully justifies
adopting stronger phytosanitary program to curtail introductions of pests
hitchhiking in wood packaging, we do not yet know what importance the
incoming bush administration will give to reducing the risk from such
bioinvaders. We anticipate that a comprehensive, vigorous approach will
greeted by strong opposition from importers and various trading partners.
Furthermore, environmentalists need to reiterate our opposition to
on fumigation using methyl bromide, which depletes the stratospheric
ozone layer. Other, more effective measures are available -- however,
they do cost more.
I encourage individuals and organizations to send their own letters to
This is the most effective step you can take to help ensure adoption of
strong phytosanitary regulations. To do so, you should send the original
and 3 copies to Docket No. 98- 057-2, Regulatory Analysis and Development
APHIS, Suite 3C03, 4700 Riverdale Road, Unit 118, Riverdale, MD
You may use my letter as a basis for writing your own. If you choose to
write your own letter, but would like my help in keeping informed about
developments, please send me an email to that effect.
If you prefer, you are welcome to endorse the letter which I have
which can be found at
So far, 39 organizations and 53 individuals have endorsed this letter.
For further information about the wood packaging issue or to endorse the
letter, contact Faith Campbell, American Lands Alliance, at 202-547-9120;
mailto:phytodoer@aol.com <mailto:phytodoer@aol.com> . To be counted as
official comment you must state your name and full address. If you are
on for an organization, please give the name, address, and telephone
of that organization.
If you provide an email address, I can send you the final letter listing
the endorsing individuals and organizations, and keep you informed about
progress on this issue.
Thank you for helping on this important matter.
Paul Dykema
Forestry Manager
717 E. Shiawassee
Lansing, MI 48912
Telephone 517.483.7674
Fax 517.377.0047
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