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[GreenYes] EPA Region 10 RFP - proposals due 2/15
To: Multiple recipients of list <>

Please forward this on to any government, non-profit or university in
Region 10 States (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon or Washington) who might be
interested.(See attached file: 2001 EPA RFP.pdf)

Request for Proposals for Product Stewardship, Recycling Market Develop=
ment and Solid Waste Grants for FY 2001

Introduction The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 is
soliciting proposals for projects that address product stewardship,
recycling, source reduction, reuse, market development, or green
purchasing. Grants or cooperative agreements will be awarded though Solid
Waste Assistance Funds (SWAF) under the authority of Section 8001 of the
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976. This solicitation describes
the program goals and gives general information on the application and
selection process, pre-proposal format, and evaluation criteria. This
solicitation and additional EPA Region 10 Solid Waste Program funding
information are available on the Internet at :

Goals EPA Region 10 seeks to fund proposals that fit into one or more of
the following categories:
   Promote education and outreach on source reduction, product
stewardship, reuse, recycling, composting, and/or buying recycled products
Identify and test strategies that lead to improved environmental
performance by Region 10 business organizations.
Provide technical assistance or spur innovative technology development
to promote source reduction, product stewardship, reuse, recycling, composting, and/or buying recycled products.
Stimulate market development for materials that are difficult to
recycle, such as construction and demolition debris, electronics, tires, etc.
Incorporate EPA initiatives (e.g., community-based environmental
protection, environmental justice, extended product responsibility,sustainability, protecting children's health from environmental threats)
with source reduction, product stewardship, reuse, recycling, composting,
and/or recycled product procurement projects.

Grant Amounts $10,000 - 20,000 per award, based on availability of funds.
Eligibility States, tribes, territories, multi-state/tribal organizations,
universities, local governments, and not-for-profit organizations located
in EPA Region 10. EPA Region 10 includes the states of Alaska, Idaho,
Oregon, Washington and the lands in Indian country belonging to federally
recognized tribes in those states.

Key Deadlines
February 15, 2001 -Two page pre-proposals, to be received by EPA no
later than February 15, 2001. Applicants are encouraged to contact an EPA
Region 10 representative prior to submitting their pre-proposal. Contact
Domenic Calabro at 206-553- 6640 or

February 28, 2001 - Finalists selected, applicants notified and full
proposals requested by February 28, 2001

March 30, 2001 ? Finalists' full proposals due to EPA no later than
close of business March 30, 2001.

April 15, 2001 - Selections made, successful applicants notified by
April 16, 2001

Amount of Individual Awards Individual awards may range from $10,000 to
$20,000. Actual awards, however, will be based on the quality of the
applications and the availability of funds. Currently, our total expected grant budget is $34,200.

Non-Federal Match
Matching funds are not required under this solicitation. All matching funds
or other contributions provided by the grantee are subject to audits and
all federal regulations.

Please note: Under the SWAF, we cannot fund proposals which purchase
capital equipment (e.g. trucks, tractors, front-loaders, etc.) or deal with
landfill-specific issues (e.g. develop and/or review documents or reports
required by state or local regulations.)

Use of Double-Sided Recycled Paper
Written proposals should be submitted on double-sided recycled paper with a
minimum of 30% postconsumer content.

Application and Selection Process

Step 1 - Communicate with EPA: The proposal process relies extensively
on direct communication (in person or by phone, fax or electronic mail) with
the EPA Region 10 contact. For this solicitation please contact Domenic
Calabro at (206) 553-6640 or by e-mail at The
purpose of this step is to ensure that your project idea meets the
application eligibility requirements. It also provides an opportunity to
address questions regarding the SWAF program and eligible costs or
activities prior to the submission of the pre-proposal.

Step 2 - Pre-Proposal: If your project is eligible, the EPA contact will
request a two page "pre-proposal," to be received by EPA no later than
February 15, 2001. The pre-proposal should provide EPA with a profile of
the applicant, the purpose of your project, a brief explanation of how
you plan to accomplish your project, and an estimate of the time and money
needed to complete your project (see format below). During the review of
the pre-proposals, EPA may request clarification on submitted information.
Pre-proposals that are inconsistent with program goals or that contain
ineligible costs and activities will be screened out of the review process,
but may be referred to other EPA funding programs if appropriate.

Pre-Proposal Format -- 2 page limit
1.   Applicant's name, primary contacts, address, phone and fax number,=

e-mail (if available).
2.   Background information about lead organization, other participants/partners.
3.   Summary of the project.
4.   Project goals and objectives: What will you achieve? What will the project impact be? Whom will the project benefit? How do you plan to measure your effectiveness?
5.   Project timeline (provide an overall schedule)
6.   Estimated project budget (show estimates for personnel, travel,
supplies, etc.).

Pre-Proposals should be e-mailed, mailed, or faxed, to be received by EPA
no later than February 15, 2001, to: Domenic Calabro, U.S. EPA, 1200 Sixth
AVE, Mailstop: WCM-128, Seattle, Washington 98101, fax: (206) 553-8509,e-mail:

Step 3 - EPA Notifies Finalists: After all pre-proposals are ranked by EPA
Region 10 Solid Waste Program staff, finalists will be notified by February
28, 2001 to prepare a full proposal. At this time, EPA will provide
finalists with a format for the full proposal, not to exceed 10 pages,
which will ask applicants to submit a workplan of less than 5 pages,
budget, and letters of commitment from project partners, if applicable.

Step 4 - Full Proposal: Finalists must submit a full proposal, to be
received by EPA no later than March 30, 2001

Step 5 - Final selections: EPA will review the full proposals and make
final selections by April 16, 2001. Applicants chosen for funding will be
asked to negotiate a final workplan with EPA and to complete a federal
application for assistance. Please note that if your proposal is selected
that does not constitute an award.

Evaluation Criteria
Both pre-proposals and full proposals will be reviewed by EPA using the
following criteria. EPA will use these questions listed as a guideline
to determine if the criteria are met.
1.   Project Description (20 points): Are the goals and tasks clear and
concise? Are the tasks budget, timeline ,etc. realistic? Does the applicant
appear qualified to successfully accomplish the proposed project?
2.   Project Objective/Goals (35 points): How well does the proposal meet
one or more of the objectives listed under the Region 10 Solid Waste
Assistance Funding Program Goals? Does the project take a creative,
innovative approach and/or implement successful models from other areas?
Does the proposal address an EPA Region 10 priority area and/or waste
3.   Project Benefits (25 points): Does the project leverage other public
or private resources, including in-kind contributions? Does the project
build partnerships or institutional infrastructure? Will the project
deliverables be transferable or useful to others? Would the project benefit
from EPA money, and then become self-sustaining beyond EPA funding?
4.   Measurability of Project Results (20 points): Depending on the nature
of the proposal, EPA will look for quantitative and qualitative
measurability in the following areas: Will the project lead to measurable
environmental improvements (e.g., amount of waste prevented, reused,
recycled)? Will the project lead to the creation of jobs or other economic development? Will the project have direct measurable impacts on markets for
recyclable materials? Will the project increase the purchase of
postconsumer recycled products? Does the project improve or create
infrastructure for reducing, reusing, recycling, composting, or buying
recycled products? How does the project impact public perception and
behavior to achieve beneficial environmental results?

Questions about this solicitation may be directed to Domenic Calabro, U.S.
EPA Region 10, at (206) 553-6640 or

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485
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