[GRRN] state disposal rates

From: Scott Mouw (Scott.Mouw@ncmail.net)
Date: Tue Oct 03 2000 - 11:54:34 EDT

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    To Michelle Raymond,

    Regarding the question of state disposal rates and Minnesota's
    projections, North Carolina has experienced a rise of .21 disposed tons
    per capita in the last 8 measured fiscal years, for an average annual
    increase of 2.6%. This rise has occurred in the same period that our
    recycling rate has basically doubled. Our raw disposed tons have
    increased from 6.8 million tons/year to 9.2 million tons/year, an
    increase of 35% in eight years, or an average increase of 4.4 percent.

    Scott Mouw

    NC Div. of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance 919-715-6512 919-715-6794 (fax) scott.mouw@ncmail.net www.p2pays.org

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