[GRRN] ACTION ALERT - Recycle Congress!

From: Bill Sheehan (bill_sheehan@mindspring.com)
Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 04:32:23 EDT

  • Next message: Anne Morse: "RE: Presidential Debates"

    When it comes to recycling, Congress seems
    to think that the rules that apply to the rest of
    America do not apply to them.

    GrassRoots Recycling Network, Friends of the
    Earth, Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund and
    Sustain are calling on Congress to start
    recycling like the rest of America. As a result
    of the campaign, a national Gannett News
    Service story stated last Monday (9/25):
    "A spokesman for the Architect of the Capitol,
    which runs Congress' recycling program, did
    not dispute the $ 1.5 million loss to taxpayers"
    (see this story and more at www.grrn.org).

    We have an exciting window of opportunity to
    get real changes and put recycling back on
    the radar of Congress - and, who knows, in
    this election season maybe even on the public's

    We need your help as an individual and
    your organization's help right now to turn up
    the heat on our elected employees in Congress
    to do what the rest of America does --
    recycle. Letters and press releases from your
    organization and its members in the next few
    days will force Congress to act.

    For actions, read on. For background, visit
    www.grrn.org and www.recyclecongress.org.

    /Bill Sheehan
    GrassRoots Recycling Network



    1. Write and fax a letter like the sign-on letter
    to your congressperson and include House
    Speaker Hastert as a "cc," and ALSO FAX TO
    GRRN at 1-706-613-7123 (we need this to show
    the media widespread concern). A FAXED LETTER
    The sign-on letter is at
    Get your Congressperson's fax # from
    http://www.house.gov/writerep/ or from the
    Capitol Switchboard, 202-224-3121.

    2. Send prepared/modifiable E-LETTERS to your
    representative and both senators from the GRRN
    website (www.grrn.org -- this is really
    painless!). Get family, friends, neighbors to also

    3. Early next week (TUESDAY OR WEDNESDAY),
    ISSUE A NEWS RELEASE to your local reporters
    next. Two releases from the past week are
    posted on our web site (www.grrn.org/news.html).
    We will email a model release to any who request one.

    4. Help us get more ORGANIZATIONS AND
    BUSINESSES SIGNED ON to the letter to House
    Speaker Hastert to show broad-based support.
    View the letter (similar to the one below) and
    current signatories at

    Bill Sheehan
    Network Coordinator
    GrassRoots Recycling Network
    P.O. Box 49283
    Athens GA 30604-9283
    Tel: 706-613-7121
    Fax: 706-613-7123

    Other Archives - Generated on : Fri Sep 29 2000 - 04:32:33 EDT