Re: [GRRN] Australia Gets the Gold

From: Monique Huyskens (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 18:15:48 EDT

  • Next message: Meg Lynch: "[GRRN] Recycling market development position available"

    While they have taken the initiative in some respects, it still is a fairly superficial attempt in general. See Green Games Watch 2000 ( if you want more info.

    They are green where/when it is convenient and media-focussed. Otherwise they have still taken a 'corporate environmental' line of taking the environmental option only where cost efficient. On the above website there is a string of 'hot issues' that provide an alternative perspective on the 'green' games.

    Still, credit where credit is due. They have certainly achieved a higher level of environmental responsibility than previously seen in the Games (even if considerably less than originally proposed in the 1993 bid document - a bit like a politican's election promises!!). Still let's hope that a precedent is set!

    Angela BRANTLEY wrote:

    > I was watching the local (Monterey) news before the Olympics and they mentioned that Australia has been trying to make the garbage impact from the Olympics minimal. They've shipped in worms (I'm sure all anaerobically fit) for composting and have restricted the use of many non-compostable or non-recyclable products. Way to go Australia!!!
    > Angela Brantley
    > City of Monterey
    > 353 Camino El Estero
    > Monterey CA 93940
    > 831-646-5662
    > FAX - 831-646-5686
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    Monique Huyskens
    CRC/ACEM Project Officer
    School of Leisure, Sport and Tourism
    University of Technology, Sydney
    Tel: 02 9514 5303
    Fax: 02 9514 5195

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