[GRRN] Miller plastic beer bottle

From: Heide Feldman (hfeldman@mrwmd.org)
Date: Wed Sep 13 2000 - 17:55:54 EDT

  • Next message: David Wood: "Re: [GRRN] Miller plastic beer bottle"

    I recently obtained a plastic (brown) beer bottle when visiting the Midwest.
    What was the last news about this item, its potential to contaminate other
    PET plastic, and general recyclability? I got the bottle at a baseball
    stadium and there lots of containers from Miller to collect the bottles. But
    how would this be in the general recycling stream?
    Heidi Feldman
    Public Education Coordinator
    Monterey Regional Waste Management District
    Tel.: 831/384-5313 FAX: 831/384-3567

    When we tug at a single thing in nature, we find it attached to the rest of
    the world.
    John Muir

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Kae Ono [mailto:kono@bicd.co.contra-costa.ca.us]
    Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 5:15 PM
    To: multiple recipients of
    Subject: [GRRN] Outdoor Beverage Recycling Containers

    Dear Greenyes,

    I am in the process of purchasing beverage recycling containers for a
    outdoor beverage recycling program. Some parks are subject to heavy
    vandalism and theft. Containers need to be heavy enough that they
    cannot be removed easily from one place to the other (but can be
    moved if they need to be). And most importantly, they need to
    include recycled materials. Do any of you suggest any particular
    container types or specific vendors? Thank you for your help.


    Kae Ono

    Kae Ono
    Contra Costa County Community Development Department
    Telephone: (925)335-1230
    Fax: (925)335-1299

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