[GRRN] catchy weight conversion anyone?

From: Brenda Platt (bplatt@ilsr.org)
Date: Mon Aug 28 2000 - 11:25:47 EDT

  • Next message: Marjorie Isaacson: "[GRRN] reuseing pill containers"

    Howdy all,

    Laura Ecklin at the Central Virginia Waste Management Authority (based
    in Richmond, VA) is interested in a catchy way to convert the 31,000
    tons of recyclables they collected at curbside last year. E.g., how
    many empire state buildings does that represent? or truckloads? or

    Does anyone have any interesting weight conversions? She wants to use
    it in CVWMA's outreach materials.

    She's not on the listserv, so please respond directly to her at
    <lecklin@cvwma.com> as well as to the listserv.

    Much appreciated,

    Brenda Platt

    Brenda A. Platt
    Institute for Local Self-Reliance
    Web: <http://www.ilsr.org>

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