Re: [GRRN] Recycling question

From: Gary Liss (
Date: Mon Aug 21 2000 - 12:50:49 EDT

  • Next message: Alexandra Gorman: "[GRRN] Sustainability Conference, September 22-24, 2000"

    Please note that Franklin study does NOT include C&D in the totals of MSW.

    Gary Liss

    At 08:40 AM 08/21/00 , Elizabeth Roe wrote:
    >The figures you are seeking are available in the most recent
    >"Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in the United States" (the
    >"Franklin Study"); it's available as a PDF file from the EPA web site.
    >The copy I have on my desk is the 1997 update. Total generation of MSW in
    >1996 was 4.3 pounds per person per day, which included discards and
    >recycling. The discard rate for the same year was 3.2 pounds per person
    >per day.
    >Several of the tables provide the information on generation of specific
    >materials, several of them include a total and then separate supporting
    >tables for discards and recyclables.
    >You should be able to find answers to many of your questions.
    >Elizabeth Roe
    >Vice President
    >Eco Partners, Inc.
    >Publishers of Trash Talk! and "One Man's/Person's Trash..."

    Gary Liss
    Fax: 916-652-0485

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