I've included some leads for you to pursue on Zero Waste businesses
below. I also have a 66 page document with lots of background info on
different companies we consider to be zero waste companies, even though
they may not have adopted that goal. This is a general background document
on a whole variety of ZW info, that includes the ZW businesses info in
it. If you would like me to email that to you, please let me know.
Hope this helps!
Gary Liss
Businesses with Zero Waste Goals
Fetzer Vineyards, Hopland, CA - Patrick Healy,
Patrick_Healy@b-f.com, http://www.fetzer.com/hot/index.html,
Xerox Corp, Rochester, NY - Anne Slocum, Anne.Slocum@usa.xerox.com or Jack
716-422-9266, jack_azar@wb.xerox.com),
(then download 1999 EH&S full report and see pp. 16-21 for
"Waste-Free" policies and results)
Mad River Brewing Company, Blue Lake, CA, Bob Ornelas,
arcatacy@tidepool.com or 707- 269-0398
Bell Canada, http://www.bell.ca/en/about/social/enviro/m_6_9.asp
Interface Carpets, Georgia, Buddy Hay, Buddy.Hay@us.interfaceinc.com,
Zero Emissions Research Initiatives of UN University, Gunter
Pauli, gunter_pauli@rocketmail.com, www.zeri.org
Namibian Breweries, Tsumeb, Namibia (southern Africa) Brigitte Sass
(264-61-262 915 ext. 2122)
Other Zero Waste Contacts
Time Magazine,
Dan Knapp, Urbanor@aol.com (Discard Malls/Eco-Industrial Parks Developer)
Paul Connett, ggvideo@northnet.org (ZW Video Producer)
Bill Sheehan, GrassRoots Recycling Network Coordinator, zerowaste@grrn.org
Brenda Platt, Institute for Local Self-Reliance and author of GRRN "State
of Wasting" report, bplatt@ilsr.org, www.ilsr.org
At 05:07 PM 08/09/00 , Hall.Heidi@epamail.epa.gov wrote:
>Is anyone aware of any companies who are explicitly and publicly
>committing to a
>"zero waste" goal?
>You can get back to me directly or here.
>Heidi Hall
Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485
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