[GRRN] Percentages of HDPE bottles v. PET bottles in recycling stream

From: Blair Pollock (bpollock@co.orange.nc.us)
Date: Tue Aug 08 2000 - 14:33:10 EDT

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    In Orange Co. NC, we are trying to disaggregate our plastic bottles which are sold mixed HDPE and PET. The three number sets we have so far suggest a split of:

    55/45 PET to HDPE (our own drop off data for three months ¯ volumetric only, not verified, no curbside data),

    49.5:50.5 PET: HDPE according to APC 1998 recycling survey data


    >From our recent waste sort, what was landfilled in the res and multifamily sectors (which could reflect the obverse of the recycling or parallel it ¯ don't know) residential sector 55:45 PET:HDPE in 2000,
    50:50 PET:HDPE in 1995 sort,
    multifamily PET:HDPE 56:44 in 2000, and
    in 1995 PET:HDPE54:46

    We are a non-bottle bill state without mandatory recycling, what else ya got? Thanks.

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