[GRRN] Removal of thimerosol from vaccines

From: Stephanie C. Davis (ScD18@WasteReductionRemedies.com)
Date: Thu Jul 27 2000 - 13:51:21 EDT

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    A joint statement has been made by the USPHS, AAFP, AAP, and ACIP in
    response to progress in removal of thimerosal from vaccines. The full
    statement can be found at the CDC National Immunization Program site:




          Stephanie  C. Davis - BFA, MPA
     Experienced Professional of Healthcare &
    Non-Residential Waste Programs

    Waste Reduction Remedies sm A Multi-Waste Stream, Multi-Material Waste Management Company

    1497 Hopkins Street #2D Berkeley CA 94702-1201 Telephone & Fax: 510/527-8864 Pacific Time E-mail: ScD18@WasteReductionRemedies.com

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