[GRRN] hospitality waste reduction

From: Hall.Heidi@epamail.epa.gov
Date: Tue Jul 18 2000 - 13:24:50 EDT

  • Next message: Bill Sheehan: "[GRRN] Fw: Styrofoam packing material"

    Re: posting on waste reduction in the hospitality sector:


    I was on vacation for some time in June and am just getting caught up on emails.
    Are you still interested in waste reduction in the hospitality sector?

    One resource is the Western Regional Pollution Prevention Network (WRPPN)'s web
    Go to <http://www.westp2net.org/Sector/main.htm> and scroll down to
    "Hospitality." There you'll find a listing of different resources for the
    hospitality sector - and ways to reduce waste.

    U.S. EPA also has a water conservation program called WAVE that's tapped a
    number of hotel chains as members. Go to: <http://www.epa.gov/partners> and
    look for the WAVE (Water Alliances for Voluntary Efficiency) program.

    There are other EPA programs as well - Green Lights (aimed at greener lighting
    for different sectors including hotels) for example.

    I hope this is helpful. If you need more info, email me back or you can check
    with the P2 Librarian, Bruce Bennett, at (415) 744-1508.

    Eileen Sheehan

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