[GRRN] Reuse/Recycle magnetic computer tape and reels

From: Reindl, John (Reindl@co.dane.wi.us)
Date: Mon Jul 17 2000 - 16:38:18 EDT

  • Next message: Roger Guttentag: "Re: [GRRN] Reuse/Recycle magnetic computer tape and reels"

    with apologies for cross posting.

    A company in Janesville, Wisconsin is looking for a market to reuse or
    recycle btween 500 and 1,000 reels of magnetic computer tape.

    any suggestions would be most welcome

    John Reindl, Recycling Manager
    Dane County, WI

    phone (608)267-8815
    fax (608)267-1533

    Other Archives - Generated on : Mon Jul 17 2000 - 16:39:43 EDT