In California, "transformation" (including waste-to-energy systems) can
count for up to 10% of the 50% waste diversion goal for the year 2000.
Gary Liss
At 11:04 AM 07/15/00 , Stephanie C. Davis wrote:
>The below message is forwarded from a colleague not on the listserv.
>Forward as appropriate and apologies for any duplications/multiple
>listserv postings.
>PLEASE RESPOND DIRECTLY TO: Giuranna.Mike@epamail.epa.gov
>AND CC: ScD18@WasteReductionRemedies.com
>AND CC: the listserv, if appropriate.
>Does anyone have any information on which States or whoever count incineration
>as recycling or recovery when calculating their recycling rate? Also do you
>know how they calculate it? ( as reuse of ash or as energy recovery or
>Mike Giuranna
>EPA, Region III
>1650 Arch Street
>Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029
>215-814-3163 fax
>e-mail giuranna.mike@epa.gov
Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485
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