[GRRN] new email list

From: Neil Tangri (ntangri@essential.org)
Date: Fri Jul 14 2000 - 07:38:02 EDT

  • Next message: RecycleWorlds: "[GRRN] Global Warming"

    I know that you folks aren't on enough email lists, but here's one that you
    should give a look. It's brand new, and it comes from the institute for
    self-reliance. they focus on economical, practical ideas to create a
    closed-loop economy.


    >Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 22:25:08 -0500
    >From: ILSR <ilsr@igc.org>
    >Organization: ILSR
    >Subject: ILSR’s Waste to Wealth E-Bits -- Vol. 1, No. 1
    >ILSR’s Waste to Wealth E-Bits -- Vol. 1, No. 1 (July 14, 2000)
    >Contents this issue:
    >1. Welcome to ILSR’s Waste to Wealth E-Bits
    >2. Turning Abandoned Buildings into Dreams in the Nation’s Capital
    >3. Building Deconstruction Enterprises Take Root in Hartford (CT) and
    >Washington (DC)
    >4. U.S. Cities Plan to Reduce Greenhouse Gases by Cutting Waste
    >5. Web Resources Available on Waste Reduction Record-Setters
    >6. New Report Shows America Is Wasting More, Despite Setting Recycling
    >7. ILSR Explores New Rules to Encourage Extended Product Responsibility
    >and Discourage Waste Industry Oligopolies
    >The Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) is a 26-year-old nonprofit
    >organization that promotes economic development that minimizes
    >environmental damage while maximizing benefits to the local community.
    >Our Waste to Wealth Program offers research, policy development,
    >technical assistance, and public education and outreach on waste
    >reduction and recycling-related economic development.
    >E-Bits highlights ILSR’s Waste to Wealth Program work, from creating
    >jobs and recycling-oriented enterprises, to recycling policies that
    >close the loop locally, to model waste reduction initiatives. Welcome
    >to our first edition of E-Bits!
    >For more information, visit our Waste to Wealth web page at
    >http://www.ilsr.org/recycling/index.html or contact us at ilsr@igc.org.
    >Please send all comments, questions, and requests to be added or removed
    >from the email list to ilsr@igc.org with WtW E-bits Response in the
    >subject line.
    >On May 12, 2000, Denise Alston, a longtime resident of Washington, DC's
    >Ward 5, saw her dreams come true when she became the owner of a newly
    >renovated home in her neighborhood. Under an innovative program, the
    >Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) and its working partners -- the
    >Carver Terrace Community Development Corporation and the National
    >Association of Concerned Veterans -- acquired an abandoned building in
    >the Ward, rehabilitated it (adding new rooms, more facilities, central
    >air, and appliances), and assisted Alston in obtaining funding to
    >purchase her new home.
    >Alston’s was the first home completed under ILSR’s Ward 5 Renovation and
    >Reclamation Project, through which the Institute is purchasing and
    >rehabilitating abandoned housing in the community. Renovated homes are
    >then sold, at cost, to low-income Ward 5 residents. The project also is
    >creating training, employment, and business development opportunities in
    >the community. To date, nearly 40 jobs have been created or sustained
    >through the program, and two new local businesses (housing renovation
    >and deconstruction) have been established. ILSR and its partners are now
    >working to expand the program to accommodate more DC families interested
    >in becoming homeowners. Please visit
    >http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A54887-2000Jul6.html to see a
    >recent Washington Post article on this program.
    >Deconstruction is the systematic disassembly of buildings for reuse and
    >recycling. It represents an opportunity to stimulate community-based
    >businesses and create jobs while supplying reusable materials to
    >construction and renovation projects.
    >In 1998, ILSR met with officials at the Department of Housing and Urban
    >Development (HUD) to explain how programs like HUD's Hope VI (which
    >provides almost $900 million annually to demolish buildings) could use
    >deconstruction to renovate public housing in an environmentally-sound
    >manner, while helping HUD meet its community investment obligations. At
    >HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo's urging, ILSR implemented a pilot project in
    >Hartford (CT) to demonstrate the viability of deconstruction.
    >ILSR worked with the Hartford Housing Authority (HHA) and Manafort
    >Brothers, Inc., a local construction and demolition enterprise, to
    >deconstruct six units of the Stowe Village Public Housing Complex. HHA
    >provided $50,000 above traditional demolition costs to support the
    >training program. The returns were extraordinary. Nine worker-trainees
    >were drawn from Hartford public housing; some had grown up in the very
    >units they were deconstructing. Training, conducted by the Local 230 of
    >the Laborers International Union and ILSR, was completed in six weeks,
    >by which time the project had:
    >* deconstructed 6 units (8,250 square feet) at Stowe Village;
    >* recovered and found markets for all recovered materials, generating
    >$9,000 in sales;
    >* established a 51% worker-owned deconstruction enterprise;
    >* created full-time, high-wage jobs for public housing residents; and
    >* created home ownership opportunities for public housing residents.
    >ILSR is working to replicate this project in other cities. In
    >Washington, DC, ILSR and its working partner, Sustainable Community
    >Initiatives (SCI), launched a similar program. A local deconstruction
    >contractor helped train ten DC residents to deconstruct buildings by
    >taking down public housing units, donated to the project by the DC
    >Housing Authority. After completion of the training project, ILSR and
    >SCI helped the workers form their own deconstruction co-op, the Ivy
    >City-Trinidad Dream Team Inc. (ICT Dream Team). The co-op recently got
    >its first contract to deconstruct a building in the District.
    >For more information on deconstruction and ILSR's Deconstruction
    >Initiative, please visit ILSR's web page at
    >Waste and global warming -- the two topics are connected. The more we
    >waste, the more greenhouse gases we produce. Wasting results in more
    >energy consumption, more manufacturing emissions, more landfill methane
    >emissions, and less carbon uptake in forests.
    >The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) in
    >Berkeley, California, is helping more than 60 cities develop action
    >plans to stem climate change by reducing greenhouse gases. In 1999,
    >ILSR teamed up with ICLEI to help six participants in ICLEI’s Climate
    >Change Protection Campaign integrate waste reduction initiatives into
    >their action plans. In addition to designing specific initiatives, we
    >estimated the costs of implementing the recommendations, and analyzed
    >their potential to reduce greenhouse gases.
    >Our 16 recommendations for Riviera Beach, Florida, ranged from
    >establishing a drop-off recycling station and requiring new buildings
    >contain space for recycling, to expanding waste reduction in government
    >offices. Implementing these measures could reduce annual waste disposal
    >in Riviera Beach by 9,900 tons and reduce annual greenhouse gas
    >emissions by 23,000 tons, the equivalent of taking more than 13,000 cars
    >off the road.
    >For more information on the Campaign go to:
    >What do San Jose (CA), Seattle (WA), Madison (WI), Worcester (MA),
    >Portland (OR), Ann Arbor (MI), and Dover (NH) have in common? They all
    >operate record-setting waste reduction programs. ILSR documents these
    >and other waste reduction record-setters in a series of new
    >publications, including:
    >* Cutting the Waste Stream in Half: Community Record-Setters Show How
    >(171-page report, EPA-530-R-99-013; fact sheet packet, EPA-530-F-99-017)
    >* Don’t Throw Away That Food: Strategies for Record-Setting Waste
    >Reduction (EPA-530-F-98-023)
    >* Complex Recycling Issues: Strategies for Record-Setting Waste
    >Reduction in Multi-Family Dwellings (EPA-530-F-99-022)
    >* Building Savings: Strategies for Waste Reduction of Debris from
    >Buildings (EPA-530-F-00-001)
    >Some of these resources are now available as PDF files on our web site:
    >http://www.ilsr.org/recycling/wrrs.html. They are also available free
    >in hard copy format through the RCRA hotline 1-800-424-9346 (within
    >U.S.), 1-703-412-9810 (outside U.S. and Washington, DC metro area).
    >The good news is: U.S. citizens are recycling more than they did in
    >1980. The bad news is that the amount of waste landfilled and
    >incinerated annually has grown by 19.2 million tons in the last 20
    >years. These are among the findings of a new report, Wasting and
    >Recycling in the United States 2000, which ILSR wrote for the GrassRoots
    >Recycling Network (GRRN). The 64-page report summarizes the state of
    >wasting and recycling in the U.S., details recycling’s many
    >environmental and economic benefits, introduces the concept of zero
    >waste planning, and concludes with an agenda for action. A must-have
    >for recycling advocates.
    >Copies of Wasting and Recycling in the United States 2000 are available
    >for $25 from GRRN. To order or for more information, go to
    >Next time you visit your supermarket, drugstore, or department store,
    >note how many products are produced or packaged with durability, waste
    >prevention, or recyclability in mind. Precious few. In fact, over the
    >last several decades, many manufacturers have taken two giant steps
    >BACK, switching to disposable or single-use products, and from
    >recyclable materials to NON-recyclable materials. Increased consumption
    >means increased waste, more landfills, more incinerators, and more
    >toxins in our air, earth, and water.
    >At the same time, interstate shipments of waste have risen dramatically,
    >fueled in part by growing consolidation in the waste industry. National
    >trash hauling firms are padding their bottom lines by padding landfills
    >-- which THEY own! -- instead of encouraging recycling and reuse.
    >ILSR has launched a research project to explore new rules that can help
    >counter these trends. In the next year, we’ll be looking at ways to (1)
    >encourage extended product responsibility without hampering local
    >productive capacity, and (2) discourage waste industry oligopolies.
    >Contact Brenda Platt at <bplatt@ilsr.org> if you are interested in
    >receiving our upcoming Facts To Act On article series based on the
    >project’s research.

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