Re: [GRRN] recycled paper resources

From: Elyse Olson (
Date: Fri Jul 07 2000 - 16:11:43 EDT

  • Next message: Loly Garcia: "[GRRN] information needed"


    Solana Recyclers in Encinitas, CA (San Diego County) runs a Recycled Paper Co-Op that is about to go nationwide, according to their director Jacy Davis.

    The Co-Op is currently in the six most western states and has plans to expand very soon. Their customers are very satisfied with the cost and quality of the paper (Union Bank, Sea World, U.S. EPA Region 9 and many others).

    They offer Wilammette Industries 30% post-consumer recycled paper (Elemental Chlorine Free) at significantly reduced rates. There is no membership fee to be in the Co-Op and bulk purchases do not need to be made for competitive pricing. The paper meets all EPA requirements for gov. paper procurement under Exec. Order 13101 and RCRA section 6002.

    If you are interested, contact Tyson Miller at
    Telephone (760) 436-7986
    Fax (760) 436-8263.

    Elyse W. Olson

    Recycling Specialist
    City of San Diego
    Environmental Services Department
    9601 Ridgehaven Ct. Ste. 320
    San Diego, CA 92123-1636
    (858) 492-5074
    (858) 492-5089 (fax)

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