Recycling Non-Profit Executive Director Wanted
MassRecycle, The Massachusetts Recycling Coalition, seeks a new
Executive Director who will lead the organization into the 21st century
through creative and innovative leadership. MassRecycle is a not-for-profit
coalition of individuals, governments, and businesses whose goal is to
promote recycling and related efforts in Massachusetts. MassRecycle's annual
budget is currently $180,000.
The executive director is responsible for overseeing and developing
all fiscal, programmatic, and administrative functions of the organization.
Preferred candidates will have fiscal, programmatic, managerial, and
fundraising experience; broad environmental knowledge, including
recycling and solid waste; be familiar with the legislative process,
and have experience with non-profit management and board of
Responsibilities Include:
* chief operating and administrative officer of the organization;
responsible for operational decision making, and for management of
core programs and services
* development and implementation of policies, programs, and
procedures which will improve membership services and promote
recycling and related programs in Massachusetts
* assist and advise the Board in its policy making functions; attend
monthly Board of Directors (BOD) meetings; work directly with BOD
* develop and oversee all fundraising activities, including
fundraising events and annual giving campaigns, and coordinate and
assist in the identification of public and private sector sources of
grants and contract support, the preparation of proposals and
contract negotiations, contract and grant management
* propose, manage, and track the annual budget in conjunction with
Treasurer and BOD
* oversee preparation of tax returns and the yearly financial audit or
* oversee implementation of annual workplan and track progress
* ensure development of outreach materials and reports to the BOD
and members
* represent MassRecycle at various local and national meetings and
forums, with the press, and at National Recycling Coalition meetings
* work with regional affiliates and other organizations to promote
MassRecycle programs and recycling efforts throughout the state
* hire and supervise staff, contractors, and interns
* other duties as may be required by the BOD
Salary $40k+ with full benefits. Interested candidates, please send a
cover letter and resume to:
ED Search, MassRecycle
59 Temple Place Ste 602
Boston, MA 02111
Or FAX to (617) 338-8611.
MassRecycle is a statewide coalition of 650 individuals, governments,
businesses, institutions, and non-profit organizations dedicated to
promoting and realizing the vital environmental, social, and economic
benefits created by reducing, reusing, and recycling waste materials, and by
increasing the utilization of recycled products.
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