Re: [GRRN] "Natural" Plastic

From: Dawn Amore (
Date: Tue Jan 11 2000 - 12:27:37 EST

  • GreenYes Archives
  • Next message: Shay Mitchell: "[GRRN] [ News] January 11, 2000"

    I understand that the University of Minnesota has developed a
    biodegradable plastic using protein from grains and starch from
    other plants. Here's a website that may help you find out who the
    researchers are, and I hope they have information about whether
    this material is environmentally benign.

    Date forwarded: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 12:09:21 -0500
    From: "RecycleWorlds" <>
    To: "GreenYes" <>
    Date sent: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 11:09:28 -0600
    Subject: [GRRN] "Natural" Plastic
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    > According to the 1/11/00 Wall Street Journal, Cargill and Dow are "ready
    > to launch full-scael commercial production of a new kind of 'natural
    > plastic' made from plants, sucha s corn or wheat, instead of
    > petroleum....[said to be] a cost efficient way to make durable platic from
    > the natural chemicals in common plants." Prior efforts in this direction
    > have been to expensive to be commercial, they claim. The name of the new
    > plasitc is polylactide or PLA and is said to closely resemble PET or
    > polyester and be biodegradable and usable in fottd containers, as well as
    > textiles. "For labeling purposes,the company is petitioning the federal
    > trade regulators to classify PLA as a whole new category of plastic.
    > Does anyone have any information about this effort, especially as to
    > whether it truly has any serious potential to be used as container
    > material, and, if so, its impacts on recycling programs relative to any
    > environmental benefits.
    > Peter
    > ____________________________________
    > Peter Anderson
    > RecycleWorlds Consulting
    > 4513 Vernon Blvd. Ste. 15
    > Madison, WI 53705-4964
    > Phone:(608) 231-1100/Fax: (608) 233-0011
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    Dawn Amore
    National Recycling Coalition
    1727 King Street, Suite 105
    Alexandria, VA 22314-2720
    Phone: (703) 683-9025, ext. 205
    Fax: (703) 683-9026

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