[GRRN] Announcement: Request for proposals

From: Jennie Windischmann (JWindischmann@napcor.com)
Date: Tue Jan 11 2000 - 09:35:48 EST

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    NAPCOR, the National Association for PET Container Resources, the trade association for the manufacturers of PET plastic resins and containers, and suppliers to the PET industry in the United States and Canada, is requesting proposals for its 2000 grant cycle.

    NAPCOR has two key PET recycling objectives for the projects to be funded under this grant solicitation:

      1.. Increase the collection and recycling of immediate consumption (20 oz. and smaller) PET plastic containers, including soft drink, water, sports drinks, teas, juices, milk, etc.

      2.. Increase the residential curbside or drop-off collection of custom (non-beverage) PET bottles and jars, including shampoo, salad dressings, cooking oil, peanut butter, cosmetics, mouthwash, liquid soaps, household cleaners, etc.

    Headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, NAPCOR has regional offices in Asheville, North Carolina; St. Louis, Missouri and Seattle, Washington, where the proposals will be reviewed and approved by NAPCOR Regional Directors.

    Interested parties are encouraged to contact NAPCOR directly to discuss proposed projects prior to submitting a written proposal.

    Eastern Regional Director - Sandi Childs
    828/ 236-9006

    Central Regional Director - Tim Warren
    636/ 273-4191

    Director of Regional Affairs/Western Regional Director - Don Kneass
    206/ 224-7464

    The complete request for proposals may also be reviewed on NAPCOR's web site at www.napcor.com.

    Director of Public Affairs

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