Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. I believe that while the these
'classic' hourglass glass bottle LOOK like the old fashioned returnable
glass bottles, Coke is not taking them back for refilling. These bottles
are more wasteful than the one-way stubby Coke bottles of not-to-distant
past because they are heavier than the stubbies. What is worse -- they are
actually refillable bottles that Coke refuses to refill.
This is hardly a step in the right direction and certainly nothing to cheer
about. In fact, it might qualify as the first BOO of the 21st century,
except that they've been marketing this no-return, classic bottle for
several years.
Hold your cheers!!!!!
Pat Franklin
Container Recycling Institute
At 07:26 AM 1/6/00 -0800, you wrote:
>I noticed yesterday in the WSJ that Coca Cola is returning to glass
>bottles to rejuventae its old image--the bottles will be the same green
>glass variety that Coke always used in its "Classic" look.
>For all the uproar over Coke going to plastic, one would think the
>environmental community would cheer this development. But maybe this good
>news would get in the way of organizing yet another boycott, etc.
>William P. McGowan
>UCSB History/Rincon Recycling
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Pat Franklin
Executive Director
Container Recycling Institute
1911 Ft Myer Drive, Suite 900
Arlington, Virginia 22209
703.276.9800 fax 276-9587
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