Re: [GRRN] Coke is back in glass

Date: Thu Jan 06 2000 - 12:55:52 EST

  • GreenYes Archives
  • Next message: Pete Pasterz: "Re: [GRRN] Coke is back in glass"

    Some facts on the Coke bottle. It is mainly for promotional purposes (e.g.,
    it will first be linked to the Super Bowl ads, etc.) and is tied to the
    relaunching of Coke Classic. They'll give away one million cold sodas in
    glass at movie theaters, shopping malls, etc. It will then be sold in 75
    metropolitan areas, but mostly in cold cases at convenience markets. Thus,
    the vast majority of Coke will still be marketed in plastic and aluminum.

    Jerry Powell
    Container Recycling Report

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