[GRRN] environmental data
Amy Perlmutter (amyp@chelseacenter.org)
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 16:23:38 -0500
>Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 11:10:35 -0500
>From: "Andrew Reamer" <reamer@thecia.net>
>To: "JTR Net" <jtrnet@valley.rtpnc.epa.gov>
>Subject: New environmental links on EconData.Net
>Message-ID: <000301bf2f83$f32d0b60$502729d8@thecia.net>
>As you might remember, last month I announced the launching of EconData.Net,
>a Web site of links to on-line regional socioeconomic data. Every week or
>so, I add a few new links under a particular topic. Last week, I added
>about ten links in the environmental data section. While only one new link
>concerns MSW per se (EPA's MSW Factbook), given the general interest of the
>JTR group in all things environmental, I thought people might would like to
>know that links have been added. Here's the text of what's on the site now.
>To get to the links, go to www.econdata.net, click on the "by subject"
>dropdown box, go to "Quality of Life", and hit "Environment".
>Comments and suggestions for additional links are welcome. New links need
>to offer data sets that have nationwide coverage at a regional (state or
>below) level.
>Environment [ back to top ]
> Environmental Data, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
> Access to a variety of environmental databases. Of particular interest:
> Environmental Profiles - Information on air quality, drinking water
>systems, surface
> water quality, hazardous waste, and reported toxic releases, by state
>and county.
> Environmental Atlas - State and community maps indicating
>environmental quality
> characteristics.
> Library of Environmental Quality - Access to a variety of reports (in
>.pdf format) from
> EPA and others concerning various dimensions of environmental quality,
>often by
> geographic area.
> Media-Specific Data - Databases and tools that apply to specific
>environmental media
> (e.g. water, air, land, pesticides).
> Envirofacts - Information system that provides access to data
>extracted from seven
> EPA databases.
> Zip Code Search - EPA data by zip code.
> Environmental Indicators - Broad array of environmental data for
>states, counties, and
> and zip codes (as of 1997).
> Environmental Conservation Online System, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
> Access to data and maps concerning endangered species, wetlands, wildlife
>refuges, and
> contaminants in refuges. Also of interest, but not directly accessible
>through ECOS is the
> National Wildlife System Lands Database, a summary of land holdings in the
>National Wildlife
> System, by state.
> Environmental Impact Analysis Data Links, U.S. Geological Survey
> Extensive listing of links to environmental data pages offered by Federal
>and other
> organizations.
> Sprawl Index, Sierra Club
> Reports concerning the spread of urban sprawl and efforts to halt it. Of
>particular interest:
> Solving Sprawl: The Sierra Club Rates the States - Rating of the
>states regarding their
> efforts to stem urban sprawl, in four dimensions - open space
>protection, land use
> planning, transportation planning, and community revitalization
> Thirty Most Sprawl-Threatened Cities - Clickable map of the thirty
>U.S. cities ranked to
> have the worst suburban sprawl, with short report on each city (1998).
> Farming on the Edge, American Farmland Trust
> Report on loss of farmland to development, 1982-92. Data provided by state
>and major land
> resource areas.
> Climate Data, National Climatic Data Center, National Oceanographic and
> Administration
> Current and historical climate data, including temperature, precipitation,
>wind, and storms, by
> climate station.
> Municipal Solid Waste Factbook, Environmental Protection Agency
> Data by state on various aspects of municipal solid waste disposal,
>including landfill disposal,
> recycling, and waste-to-energy (1997).
Amy Perlmutter
Executive Director
Chelsea Center for Recycling and
Economic Development
University of Massachusetts
180 Second Street
Chelsea, MA 02150
617-887-2300/fax 617-887-0399
visit our web site at www.chelseacenter.org