Can anyone help this gentleman from India out on the issue of
Extended Producer Responsiblity and Electronics? He is not
on the list, so please respond to him directly at
Thanks much,
John Reindl
Dear Dr Reindl
Thank you for your prompt response.
I am looking for information on Environment issues concerning the
electronics industry. This would include the entire Life Cycle
Assessment, Mineral Processing, EPR issues, DFE etc..
We would be looking at the actual EPR laws that have been
successful or proposed laws in different countries. We are also
trying to understand various issues that can promote a basic policy
programme for EPR in India.
I know I am being very far fetched and all-encompassing in my
objective but we need to put a strategy paper for the Industry
Associations so that we can motivate them to design EPR
I seek your assitance and guidance on this issue.
Best wishes,
Pranay Lal
> Dear Sir
> The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is a association of 138
> industrial associations and 3800 individual industries and
> collectively assists about 90000 industries in India. CII is the only
> industrial association that has an Environmental Management Division in
> South Asia.
> We came across the mention of your exceptional work on environmental
> advocacy on recycling and hazardous waste management on your web-site.
> This has prompted me to seek some information and background on certain
> issues like EPR and takeback policies globally.
> We are looking for information on marketing (extended producers
> responsibilty) and technololgical innovations (design for Environment
> etc..)in the electronics industry. We would be grateful if you could
> mail us any information to the address mentioned below. You could also
> mail as attachments in emails (not exceeding 100 KB in size).
> Looking forward to learning from your documents and publications.
> Yours truly
> Pranay Lal
> Counsellor, Environment Management DIvision
> Confederation of Indian Industries
> India Habitat Centre, Core 4B
> Lodi Road, NEW DELHI 110003
(608)267-1533 - fax
(608)267-8815 - phone