[GRRN] NRC Newswire 10/99

Gary Liss (gary@garyliss.com)
Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:09:24

NRC Newswire
October 1999
Volume 1, Issue 5


Welcome to the fifth issue of the NRC Newswire. The Newswire is=20
a free, monthly service of the National Recycling Coalition providing=20
articles for newsletters published by state and regional recycling=20
organizations (ROs).

A survey of NRC Newswire recipients is being sent out again this=20
month. Continuation of the Newswire service depends on feedback=20
from NRC members: If we hear that you value the Newswire, we=20
will continue to provide the service and continuously improve it to=20
meet your needs. But WE NEED YOUR FEEDBACK! Please=20
return the survey as soon as possible.

If you prefer to download copies of the Newswire as a Microsoft=20
Word or plain text file, please visit the NRC web site, www.nrc-
recycle.org, and click on "Newswire."


In this issue:

1) Inside the NRC: The 1999 State of the Coalition Report
2) NRC Hosts Online Forums for Electronics Recycling
3) In the Loop (short informational items)


By William Ferretti, NRC Executive Director

During NRC's Membership Meeting at the Annual Congress &=20
Exposition in Cincinnati in September, NRC President Frances A.=20
Kennedy delivered the "1999 State of the Coalition Report." The=20
following are excerpts from her report.

Being an effective advocate for recycling means being heard by=20
those who have the power to make changes that can move=20
markets and ensure a more sustainable future for recycling. Three=20
examples demonstrate how NRC has made its voice heard over the=20
last year.

--NRC has worked for the last two years to ignite political support=20
for recycling. As a result, on last year's America Recycles Day,=20
Vice President Gore announced the National Recycling Challenge,=20
which is intended to leverage new public and private sector=20
recycling initiatives.

--NRC's Buy Recycled Business Alliance (BRBA) launched a high-
visibility campaign targeting the CEOs of the nation's Fortune 1000=20
companies. The year-long advertising campaign with the Harvard=20
Business Review generated unprecedented ratings on the value of=20
the campaign, reader recall, and reader interest in seeing the=20
campaign continue, according to a survey by the magazine. BRBA=20
will continue the campaign for a second year.

--As one of the founders of America Recycles Day, the NRC and=20
BRBA have provided key staff and financial support to this national=20
effort. Last year more than two million people participated in 5,000=20
ARD events.

Through NRC-supported programs like the National Recycling=20
Challenge, the Harvard Business Review Campaign and America=20
Recycles Day, the NRC and its members are being heard, which=20
translates into a more secure future for recycling.

Being a stronger coalition and an effective advocate can only occur=20
if we are financially and organizationally sound. We are on the=20
threshold of meeting that goal.

--In the last year, NRC membership has grown by 17%.

--For the first time since 1994, the NRC ended the year with a=20
small, but nevertheless real, surplus.

--As of late September, twenty recycling organizations representing=20
more than 3,500 members have either signed or endorsed the new=20
affiliation agreement, which takes effect on January 1, 2000.

Today, the NRC is in a very good place. Our advocacy voice is=20
being heard and we are becoming a strong, more financially stable=20
coalition. The NRC Board of Directors, along with dedicated=20
volunteers and staff, are building an organization that will serve you=20
for years to come.



In response to members' suggestions, the National Recycling=20
Coalition (NRC) is launching a series of Internet-based discussions=20
on electronics recycling through its new Electronics Recycling=20
Online Forum. NRC has convened a group of experts to answer=20
questions about different aspects of electronics recycling each=20
month. The experts will answer your questions in two=20
ways=97through an Internet message board and during real-time=20
online chats.

The Electronics Recycling Online Forum is open to anyone=20
interested in learning more about managing end-of-life electronic=20
equipment. The forum will provide a quick, expansive means to=20
address barriers to computer reuse, establish communication links=20
among organizations interested in computer reuse, and create a=20
learning environment full of authoritative information on emerging=20

The first real-time chat on trends in electronics recycling is=20
scheduled for Wednesday, November 3, 1999, from 2:00 to 3:00=20
pm ET. To join the discussion, go to www.nrc-=20
recycle.org/Programs/electronics and look for the link to the forum=20
and online chat.

You can help us plan the real-time chats by posting questions to=20
the online forum. How much electronic equipment is out there?=20
What is being done with it? Any questions you may have about=20
trends in electronics can be posted to the forum.

The Electronics Recycling Online Forum has been made possible=20
by funding from the U.S. Postal Service. For more information,=20
contact Dawn Amore at (703) 683-9025, ext. 205 or dawna@nrc-

+++ Upcoming Electronics Recycling Online Chat Topics +++

--Early November: Trends in Electronics Recycling
--Late November: State and Local Policy Initiatives
--December: Proper Management of End-of-Life Electronic=20
--January: Contracting for Proper Recovery and Recycling
--February: Procurement of Electronic Equipment
--March: Certification of Electronics Recyclers



--During the Forum on Virgin Materials Subsidies at the NRC=20
Annual Congress & Exposition in Cincinnati, members provided=20
suggestions to NRC for ways to educate its members and=20
encourage advocacy on the subsidies issue. NRC plans
to continue this dialogue into next year by co-hosting several=20
regional forums on the subsidies issue with state recycling=20
organizations (ROs). ROs interested in co-hosting a forum should=20
contact Edgar Miller at edgarm@nrc-recycle.org or (703) 683-9025,=20
ext. 208.

--NRC members can work together on areas of special interest=20
through its five technical councils. Visit www.nrc-recycle.org and=20
click on "Councils" to learn how to work with your peers on issues=20
related to rural, collegiate, and nonprofit recycling; recycling and=20
environmental impacts in minority communities; and source=20
reduction. Council members can participate on listservs, plan=20
events, serve as peer advisors, and more.

--As of late September, state recycling organizations in Arizona, the
Carolinas, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas,=20
Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico,=20
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, and=20
Wisconsin have either signed or endorsed the new NRC affiliation=20

--It's not too early to start planning your trip to Charlotte, NC for the
NRC's 19th Annual Congress & Exposition on September 10-13,=20
2000. Save money by registering before January 31, 2000.=20
Respond to the call for papers by submitting your abstract by=20
February 28, 2000. Visit the www.nrc-recycle.org for more=20

*** End of October 1999 NRC Newswire ***

Gary Liss
Fax: 916-652-0485