What barriers has your business had in trying to recycle? (Multiple
responses possible)
A. Cost/Don't want to pay for it 6.3 %
B. Inadequate/Inappropriate storage space 8.0 %
C. Lack time/Too much effort 7.3 %
D. Don't care 1.3 %
E. Hauler doesn't provide service 18.3 %
F. Lack of management support 3.7 %
G. Lack of employee participation/knowledge 9.7 %
I. Other 4.0 %
(listed with number of responses)
* government regulations (2)
* too particular on what they will recycle (1)
* need to put papers in plastic bags and that makes it heavy to lift
into the dumpster (1)
* building has other occupants (1)
* a lot of our materials are not recyclable (1)
* contaminated items (1)
* no one will recycle water heaters with foam insulation (1)
* finding places open to drop off recycling (1)
* they don't want paper that has been reused and reused (1)
* not allowed to bring composts to local landfill (1)
* hazardous materials (1)
J. Don't know 49.0 %