Update: Action on the Congressman Farr's provision requiring Congress to
recycle is postponed until at least June 7. The U.S. House of
Representatives delayed consideration of the Legislative Appropriations Bill,
H.R. 1905, which became entangled in the debate about gun control.
Action Needed: Please write your member of Congress. Ask them to support
the Farr language in the Legislative Appropriations Bill requiring Congress
to recycle. Urge them to oppose the Point of Order on the recycling
language, which would strip it from the bill.
Sample letter:
Honorable _____________
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC
Dear Representative _________:
As one of your constituents, I am writing to ask that you support the
provision in the Legislative Appropriations Bill, H.R. ______, authored by
Congressman Sam Farr, requiring Congress to recycle. Please oppose any
attempt to remove the recycling language on procedural grounds, for instance
as a point of order.
I recycle and so do the majority of Americans. Recycling protects the
environment by conserving natural resources, reducing pollution and
conserving energy. It creates many times more jobs in our communities than
sending resources to landfills.
Recycling benefits both present and future generations, by acting as good
stewards to protect the environment that sustains us. It is time for
Congress to listen to this grassroots movement, supported by more than 120
million Americans, local and state government, the executive branch of the
federal government, and many thousands of businesses.
I would appreciate the favor of a reply.
Your name
cc: House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert
House Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt
Congressman Sam Farr
Tips on letter writing: Start the letter with the bill and issue you are
writing about. Personalize the letter by saying something about why you
recycle. Keep it brief.
Put it on personal or business letterhead.