I am trying to create a list of individuals and organizations that
either pay for or coordinate Master Composter Programs. I would like to
start an internet discussion group on various aspects of developing,
expanding and maintaining a vibrant program, dedicated volunteers and
try to calculate the diversion impact of home and commercial and school
on-site composting.
If you know of people/organizations that conduct Master Composter
training could you please send their contact information to me. If you
know their email address that would be great as I see this as an
internet discussion group with maybe an annual meeting at CRRA or maybe
NRC if this become a national activity.
I have also found a number of partners from outside the solid waste and
recycling field whose work complements Master Composters including:
~ the California State Dept of Education who has a goal to put a garden
in every school by the year 2000 (to teach nutrition but includes
composting in their training materials),
~ Stormwater Pollution Prevention programs trying to keep pesticides
from waterways by getting the public to reduce chemical uses (fits
nicely with composting) so they are implementing IPM training like MC
training, and,
~ sewage treatment plants (trying to get folks to stop using garbage
disposals because their plant is over their BOD requirements).
I find this cross environmental programming exciting and want to see if
others share my enthusiasm. We will be having our first discussion of
cross programming at CRRA's conference on Tuesday, June 8th in San
Francisco at 10:45 am if you are attending, please join us.
Ann Schneider
Univ. of Calif. Santa Cruz Extension
Business Environmental Assistance Center (BEAC)
3120 De la Cruz Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95054
408 566-4562
408 748-7388 fax
Please provide any data on how many MCers you've trained, # of
workshops, # of people reached, how you advertise, guestimate on
diversion, etc. Plaase talk about your video and the other training
materials that you've developed (I know you've shared them with me, I
assume that you share them with everyone - correct me if I am wrong.)
Also please bring samples of your materials for "sharing".