--On Mon, 10 May 1999 06:37:07 Pat Franklin wrote: >Keith, Frana and any one else interested in recycling in Latin America in >general and CEMPRE in particular - - - - > >I hope that Keith Ripley will correct me if I am wrong, but the impression I >have gotten from CEMPRE materials I have received is that CEMPRE is >basically an 'industry front group'. > >Among its 13 members are the following: >Coca-Cola >Nestle >Procter & Gamble >Tetra Pak > >Here is a little INFO TIDBIT from one of CEMPRE's newsletters: "Of the >22,000 metric tons of PET recycled in 1996, around 70% of this total was >derived from informal channels through scavengers (catadores) on the street >and at dumps." > >I look forward to Keith's response. > >Thanks, > >Pat Franklin >****************************************************************************** > >At 11:00 AM 5/7/99 -0700, Keith Edward Ripley wrote: >> Frana: >> The info you seek is not easy to find in Latin America, but I >believe there are efforts underway in Brazil to generate data. In fact, it >may be the ONLY Latin American country where you will find that sort of >information. The rest of the continent is further behind the curve on >recycling. >> I would suggest that you contact Ing. Andre Vilhena, Executive >Director of Compromisso Empresarial para Reciclagem (CEMPRE) (translation: >Business Commitment to Recycling). CEMPRE is probably the best single source >on recycling issues in Brazil. His e-mail is cempre@cempre.org.br They >have a website in Portuguese and English at www.cempre.org.br , but Eng. >side is less comprehensive than the Portuguese and in any case neither >addresses directly the subjects you're interested in. Vilhena's phone >number is 5511-852-5200, and his fax 5511-852-5264. While he speaks some >English, requests in Portuguese tend to get answered quicker. >> Another possible source would be to contact Helio Mattar, Director >of Industrial Policy at Brazil's Development, Industry & Commerce Ministry >(MDIC). MDIC is in the process of drawing up an industrial policy for >Brazil's recycling industry, and may have some data you can use. His e-mail >is spi@mdic.gov.br and his phone is 5561-329-7182. The new DIC website >[www.mdic.gov.br] unfortunately does not yet have any info on the project. >> Good luck, and I hope your share your findings with the the >Green-yes list. >>Regards, >>Keith >> >>_______________________________________________________ >>Keith Edward Ripley >>Temas Actuales S.A. >>por servigo postal: BM-1658, 8357 W. Flagler St., >> Suite D, Miami, FL 33144-2072, EE.UU >>entregas DHL/FedEx: Av. Enriquillo #20, Los Cacicazgos, >> Santo Domingo, Repzblica Dominicana >>telefone/telefax: 809-473-6713 >>e-mail: keith.ripley@eudoramail.com >> >>Autor do livro "Solid Wastes and Recycling in Latin >> America & the Caribbean; Trends & Policies" >> http://www.raymond.com/latinamr.htm > >Pat Franklin, Executive Director >Container Recycling Institute >1911 Ft. Myer Drive Suite 900 >Arlington, VA 22209 >703/276-9800 fax 276-9587 >email: cri@igc.org >web: www.container-recycling.org > >***************************************************** > To post to the greenyes list, send a letter to: >greenyes@earthsystems.org > To unsubscribe, send a message to: >greenyes-request@earthsystems.org with the subject >unsubscribe. If you have any problems, please >write to www@earthsystems.org. > GreenYes is archived on the GrassRoots Recycling >Network web site: http://www.grrn.org >****************************************************** > >
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