The Zero Waste Challenge: Two Movements, One Objective
Facilitator: Gunter Pauli
Expert: Gary Liss
Format: Context presentation by facilitator followed by roundtable
discussion. Context will define and showcase the opportunities and necessity
for a shift toward zero waste and emissions.
A Zero Waste movement is emerging simultaneously in business and among
environmental activists. On the business side, companies like Interface and
Coors have declared all waste to be lost profit, and are actively seeking
ways to drive it toward zero, both as an environmental and a business
strategy. In the activist community, frustration over throwaway products and
wasteful industrial practices is feeding demands that zero waste be
In this roundtable, participants will discuss the potential of zero waste
with insights from two leading advocates:
*Gunther Pauli, the founder of Ecover products which has developed and
implemented zero waste technologies, and the director of the Zero Emmissions
Research Initiative which is expanding zero waste technology development
through research and pilot projects.
*Gary Liss of the Grassroots Recycling Network, a leader in zero waste