Myra Nissen
Eric S Johnson wrote:
> I'd like to gently suggest that those posting to greenyes NOT attach giant
> WORD5 or other word processing documents to the list, such as the recent
> one that on my system took 193K. Rather that taking up a lot of bandwidth
> (and for some of us, a considerable time downloading), a better solution
> might be to describe the document briefly, post it to the web, and
> provide readers with a URL where it can be found. If unsure how to do
> this, it's well worth a few minutes learning how -- or, find a friend who
> can do it for you.
> This way, those interested in receiving the information that way can still
> access it, and those who aren't interested don't have to take the time to
> download it.
> I'd welcome other thoughts on this topic.
> Thanks,
> Eric Johnson
> Boulder, CO
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