/bill s.
Rick Anthony
Richard Anthony Associates
Comments: 4/10/99 Carolyn Chase e-mailed the revised release with local
quotes from Krista, Jacy, me and the local hauler and herself, to her
extensive media e-mail list as a joint release from Earthworks, Solana
Recyclers, CRRA and RAA. This is a milestone event in San Diego
environmental politics. However as media contact for the reports and
observer of local media, I haven't seen or heard anything.
Next on our agenda is Earth Day. Recycling, Coke and W4W are on our list.
Lets talk about a GRRN event in the park (50,000 people) that you (GRRN) can
take credit (Turner) for organizing, through me being on the steering
committee and maybe I can get material to giveaways. There is an
here (Jacy and Krista and I do have volunteers and tables) to do the Coke
Mail back idea at the park. Are you interested? Maybe we give GRRN the
money we raise, for the take back campaign.
Steve Apotheker
Comments: 4/9/99 The report got page 3 coverage in our paper off the AP
release you guys did. Our press event was a dud - no one showed. We really
should have had a talking head to get the press there. If there is any
other followup I will let you know.
David Assman
City and County of San Francisco
Comments: 4/12/99 In addition to the Pacifica Radio report, KPFA in
Berkeley was planning to do a spot on the morning show on April 9 (I faxed
them a copy of the
release). Linda Christopher should know - she also should have two other
media outlets (the Western Edition came to the press event).
Patrick Barnhart
Comments: 4/12/99 The most positive thing to come out of the WfW report
is that it made
GRRN more visible to recycling advocates in the City. The Manhatten
Solid Waste Advisory Board for instance endorsed the Miller protest
on the same day that we presented the report. As you know there are
number of folks up here who interested in next steps. At the City
Recycling Advisory Board, there was discussion of getting legislators
to endorse the report. Is that the next step or where are we going.
It would be good to get some ideas for direction. I will be going to
SWAB and CRAB in the next couple of weeks. It would be good to be
able to suggest a meeting with GRRN folks around the time of GRRN's
retreat. Rick previously mentioned that this may be in the works.
If so please let me know
4/12/99 I did not see any press in NY, but I was not scientific about it.
The Coalition of Waterfront Neighborhoods and NRDC, released the
report seperately on their leterhead
Kat Bennett
Eco-Cycle, Inc.
Comments: 4/10/99 Daily Times-Call, Longmont, Colorado. Reporter Ted
Nelson did a nice
article. Sam Cole has copy, which will be sent to you with other Boulder
County media.
4/10/99 Very, very good work! Please pass on to those involved. I was much
impressed by the scope of the information and amount of detail.
I will get the web page on our web page on Links to Other Sites, but it may
take a few days. Our webmaster has been overloaded lately.
Diane Brown
Illinois PIRG
Comments: 4/10/99 thank you for giving us the opportunity to have been
part of this. it is a
great report. merhdad wanted me to let you know we conducted radio feeds on
20 stations across illinois. all the best.
Shay Clark
St. John Citizens for Environmental Justice
Comments: 4/10/99 I was out of town until Wednesday, April 7.
Everything was released at 10a. this morning.
Marjorie Clarke
Manhattan Citizens' Solid Waste Advisory Board
Comments: 4/10/99 Congratz. Sorry I haven't been of too much help in this
area (excuses:
flu, migraines, travel). I have sent the notices around to a slew of folks
in NYC. I hope maybe one or more of them has helped. Is there anything
left to do?
Tom Cobb
Clean Water Alliance of Massachusetts
Comments: 4/12/99 Congratulations on the release of the Welfare for Waste
report. Here in Boston we sent the release to all the major dailies and
Stephen D'Esposito
Mineral Policy Center
Comments: 4/12/99 Glad we could be of help. By the way, when you're next
in D.C. I would
welcome the chance to meet. If not, next time I'm in Atlanta.
But stay in touch via email and phone. Let us know how we can help and
let's think about future collaboration.
Jacy Davis
Solana Recyclers, Inc.
Comments: 4/10/99 Hey...did you hear the story on KPBS? They covered the
announcement from Sacramento, very cool! Jacy
Tom FitzGerald
Kentucky Resources Council, Inc.
Comments: 4/11/99 Hi Bill. The report was sent to the environmental
reporter and editorial
staff of the Lexington (KY) Herald, the Courier Journal, the Northern
Kentucky Post, and the Mountain Eagle. I will forward any press clipppings.
4/10/99 Hi. I sent copies of the report to all Kentucky environmental
reporters and major paper editorial writers. Good job.
Judi Gregory
Global Waste Recycling, Inc.
Comments: 4/10/99 Wanted to give you an update on the LA Scene. Lance
pretty much worked the
LA Times. I did send over the press release and spoke with the reporter
there. They had decided to run the story from the Sacramento Office and
cover the press meeting that Rick Best was doing. I'll pick up a paper
tomorrow and see if it's in there. Also, the Tribune which is our local San
Gabriel Valley Paper didn't do an article yet, but will be doing one.
They've decided to run it as a business article and they're coming out next
week to meet with me personnally. They're going to do a feature on how the
W4W effects businesses like mine. Sorry it's not the 4/8/99 story that we
wanted, but hopefully the article they do will be good. I'll make sure to
send you copies.
Elaine Gross
Sustainable America
Comments: 4/11/99 congratualtions bill! I was really impressed by this
Jason Halbert
Appalachian Restoration Campaign
Comments: 4/10/99 we've sent out press release out locally with you as
the national
contact and me as the local contact. We'll be sure to forward an press
on to you. Thanks for all your hard work. Great job!
Allen Hershkowitz
Natural Resources Defense Council
Comments: 4/10/99 thanks. i hope this turns ot to be a great success for
Jake Kreilick
National Forest Protection Campaign
Comments: 4/12/99 Our pleasure to help out and look forward to
colloborating again in the
near future. I've asked Matthew Koehler who does most of our media work to
forward what he knows about the coverage. Hope this group effort can
continue and let's stay in touch as to how we can follow up between our
respective campaign efforts.
Lynn Landes
Zero Waste America
Comments: 4/11/99 Bill: What I would like to do is to release the report
under "ZWA REPORTS" and to list you and the 3 other authors/organizations as
the principal
contacts and myself as secondary. I will write the release myself, based on
the national release, and send it to you for your pre-approval. Is that ok
with you? The Earth Day idea sounds good. What would be the exact date?
4/10/99 Bill: As I already told you, the Inquirer reporter already got the
from another reporter. In addition, I sent 40 copies of the 'End Welfare for
Waste' national press release to the News Room in the Capitol Building in
Harrisburg. I've done this often. It is an effective way of contacting the
media from all over the state. I've also put the release on several of the
news groups (discussion). Lastly, a friend who has an extensive media and
enviro e-mail list, is also helping to distribute it. I felt it was better
(Iess confusing) to distribute the national release with its contact info,
rather than to put my contact info on it.
The report looks great! Congratulations to all involved.
Marian Lee
Sustainable America
Comments: 4/10/99 I just wanted to inform you that Sustainable America
(with SA's board of
directors approval) is more than happy to endorse the Welfare for Waste
Charlene Lemoine
Waukesha County Environmental Action League
Comments: 4/13/99 First I want to thank you for doing such an excellent
job of keeping
everyone endorsing the report so well informed.
I am very sorry to say that we did not get any press on the report. I have
not given up. I just spoke to Dennis Shook of the "Waukesha Freeman" and he
seemed receptive to possibly doing an article in the near future.
I did look at some of the articles that were in the press elsewhere. I was
especially pleased to see the editorial in "Waste News." The fact they
agreed recycling doesn't have a level playing field is certainly a big plus.
We do have our press release on our web site www.weal.org and we have a link
to GRRN.
With Earth Day coming, I am hoping we can get some attention to the report.
I am also planning to have material available on the report at our booth
during the Earth Day event in Waukesha.
Speaking of Earth Day, we are also going to have information on the "Coke
Campaign" at our display. If you could mail me additional material on this
campaign at Charlene Lemoine, 1240 Highpoint Lane, Waukesha, WI 53189 I
will greatly appreciate it. I am also hoping to have bottles ready to mail
at the Post Office on the day of the event (April 24).
Hopefully, we will generate some press on the Coke Campaign and link the
problem of manufacturer responsibility and the federal subsidies as
significant obstacles facing recycling.
This is important in Wisconsin since our funding (business surtax) will end
in 2001 and some legislators just want to basically end the type of
recycling we now have in this state.
Again, I am really disappointed in our press here. I will send you any
copies of any press we receive on the report or the Coke Campaign for Earth
Nancy Macy
SLV Redemption/Recycling Centers
Comments: 4/12/99 Hi Lance and Bill -- I heard the KQED report on their
evening news.
Very brief. More on local things later.
Dennis Markatos
Students United for a Responsible Global
Comments: 4/9/99 Thanks. I sent the info out, but I haven't heard
anything back
yet. Have an excellent weekend and great work on this important project!
John Moore
Stone and Moore Law Offices
Comments: 4/11/99 Sorry for the hair-raising last minute deal. I
appreciate the many
calls and emails - that must have taken a good deal of your time.
Being in school and trying to remain an activist leaves little time
for either.
As for follow-ups, I'll do what I can. I'll have to contact the
papers in the other cities for a copy of Thursday's paper. I'll let
you know asap.
Josh Moore
Alabama Environmental Council
Comments: 4/10/99 I don't have confirmation but information was provided
for release in:
Tuscaloosa, Al Birmingham, Al Mobile, Al
Patty Moore
UC Hastings College of the Law
Comments: 4/9/99 Thank you GRRN. What a great press release. I look
forward to seeing your follow-up activities and lobbying efforts. We need
these changes. Keep
up the good work.
Samantha Pearson
Foundation for Global Sustainability
Comments: 4/10/99
I faxed you a copy of our press release. Please let me know if you didn't
receive it. Unfortunately I have not seen press coverage.... perhaps
because I was late in the game.
4/10/99 I'm just hoping someone bites on it! I wish I had started working
the media last week...well, I wish I wasn't so darned busy with a zillion
other things! :)
Great job on the report. You all blow my socks off!
Amy Perlmutter
Chelsea Center for Recycling and Economic Development
Comments: 4/12/99 Will do, thanks for giving us the opportunity to be
included. I got a call
from clean water action, I think it was, saying a reporter had called and
asking them if they could give my name, but I never heard anything more.
I"ll keep my eyes open.
Erich Pica
Friends of the Earth
Comments: 4/12/99
Scott Slesinger with the Environmental Technology Council (202/783-0870),
formerly staffer to Sen. Frank Lautenberg, called and asked for a copy of
w4w. I gather we don't have any to spare, can you forward this request to
the GRRN folks. His address is 734 15th St., NW Suite 720, WDC 20005
Lynne Plambeck
Comments: 4/10/99 I guess this is a little late to coordinate, but here's
the folk's I sent
it to:
Claremenot Courrier
Inland News Press
San Gabriel Tribune
Dailey News (various local Offices)
LA Times (Various Local Offices)
LA Business Journal
City Desk, Copley News Service
Glendale News Press
Pasadena Star
Newhall Signal
Our Times (Santa Clarita section)
Antelope Valley Press
I am sorry I didn't have time to do follow-up calling. I wish I had been
able to focus more on this. Our group has always felt these subsidies
where an impediment to sustainability and a hindrance to promoting
recycling. Thank-you for what you are doing. I'll see if I can stir up
a little more interest next week. Lynne Plambeck
Release on letterhead to follow via regular mail per your request.
Michael Risden
Ecology Action
Comments: From: ecology action of texas <mrisden@mindspring.com>
Date: Thursday, April 08, 1999 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: W4W Info on Web
Thank you for sending this information to me. I am sorry we were unable to
work things out in time to be part of your national release. I am really
excited about working with you on issues that will affect the recycling
Robin Salsburg
Global Recycling Council
Comments: 4/9/99 ˙I am SO sorry for not getting back to you and Lance King
about the press releases for the Welfare for Waste Report.
I'm afraid I was very sick all last week and
am just now getting caught up with everything--namely
law school and CRRA stuff. I am very sorry for not being able
to respond to the messages about conference calls and press
release activities.
And, I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything to help with the
Report until the 1st week in May. I have my final exams in three
weeks, and I'm afraid that is all I will be able to focus on.
Please, let me know how I might help in May to publicize the
Susan Silver
Positively Organized, Inc.
Comments: 4/13/99˙˙Congratulations on the excellent report! Thanks for
mailing me a copy. Great work!
4/10/99 The press release looks great! Hope we get a lot of coverage,
Danna Smith
Dogwood Alliance
Comments: 4/12/99
Talked to a reporter today at Chattanooga Times who's doing a story --
should run this week. I did do follow up calls on Fri, but had a hard
time getting anyone on the phone. Left messages. Been in phone
conference all day -- will try and follow-up some more tomorrow.
Thanks for all your work.
Allen Stasiewsk
Waukesha County Environmental Action League
Comments: 4/12/99 It was a pleasure helping out! Here's a list of the
media we sent to. I'm
sorry I don't have all the reporters names. In some cases we sent to the
editor. Unfortunately we have not seen any local coverage.
Waukesha Journal Sentinel
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Shepard Express
Waukesha Freeman
Community Newspapers
WHAD Public Radio
WUWM Public Radio
Milwaukee Magazine
The Paper
Billy Stern
Native Forest Network
Comments: 4/12/99 The list that we sent releases to was the same as the
one I faxed you for the advisories. Not too many media hits, except the one
Steve Taylor
Maine People's Alliance
Comments: 4/14/99 Sorry we couldn't work it out to help release the
report. Just too much
happening up here. I did get the copy, and it looks great.
One of the things that will be happening up this way during the rest of this
year is an analysis of corporate welfare in Maine (given by the state and
municipalities by a variety of sources). Should all fit together nicely!
Tedd Ward
Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority
Comments: 4/9/99 I just heard my 5-minute interview on KSOR, an NPR
station serving the
northern California & southern Oregon area, stretching from Redding to
Eugene and from the Coast to Klamath Falls.
Hope the rest of the release went well. Are you counting the hits on the
Christina Wulf
Shenandoah Ecosystems Defense Group
Comments: 4/13/99 hi bill - i know that a local eco-radio show covered the
report, i'm not sure about any other sources. haven't had a chance to
check. we did send it to the local papers around virginia: roanoke times,
richmond times-dispatch, waynesboro news-virginian, staunton news-leader,
norfolk something-something, etc. we're holding a demonstration on tax day
in support of the national forest protection
& restoration act, and i plan to have the report there to show reporters.
i'll send the press release as an attachment. take care,