Re: Neutralysis

Roger M. Guttentag (
Wed, 07 Apr 1999 00:39:35 -0400

At 02:50 PM 4/6/99 -0500, you wrote:

>I have been asked about a process referred to as "neutralysis" which

>reportedly converts MSW into a light weight aggregate for a construction


>Has anyone any "concrete" information on this particular MSW process,

>including (1) effectiveness; (2) cost; (3) throughputs; (4) usability

>end material; (5) other concerns?


>Peter Anderson

>RecycleWorlds Consulting


Dear Peter:

As usual, your request for information was interesting. There is, as far
as I can tell, very little information on the Web regarding the
neutralysis process (I did not do any newsgroup searching). I found an
interesting 1993 newsletter article published in a newsletter called
Superior Vision from the Lake Superior Alliance that discussed a proposed
Neutralysis project:

The article mentions that the neutralysis process was originally
developed in Australia. A search of Australian search engines yielded
very little. The best reference I could find was on the EcoRecycle
Victoria site as part of a discussion of potential disposal options:

There is only one paragraph devoted to the Neutralysis process and it
concluded by stating that it was not found to be cost effective.

I also found a web page on an Australian engineer named Peter
Hollingsworth who claims to be "Co-founder and director of innovative
high tech "Neutralysis Industries" Process for municipal & hazardous

His e-mail address is listed for further contact.

I could not find a web site or even a company reference in any major US
or Australian based business directory using "Neutralysis" as the key
word. It is possible, of course, that the license for the neutralysis
process may be held by another company under an unrelated name.

Hope this is helpful.


Roger M. Guttentag


Read <italic>Recycling in Cyberspace</italic> in Resource Recycling

April, 1999 column topic : finding multimedia web content.