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I just wanted to forward information about this new publication from
Island Press, in case any one could benefit from it.
Myra Nissen
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Subject: Eco-Compass, 3/19/99 - Modeling the Environment
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Modeling techniques that allow managers and researchers to see in
advance the consequences of actions and policies are becoming increasingly
important to environmental management. The models produced are vital
analytical tools that aid the policy-setting and implementation process, and
help us to understand how environmental systems respond to management
Modeling the Environment by Andrew Ford is a basic introduction to one
of the most widely known and used modeling techniques, system dynamics.
The book is designed to build the skills of students as they progress from
learning fundamental ideas to constructing models of increasing complexity.
Written in a clear and comprehensive style, the book:
Presents basic concepts of modeling using system dynamics
Illustrates the mechanics of model construction through a range of
working models
Offers a rich array of exercises for students to use in applying the
principles and techniques described in the text
Walks students through the design and application of models of specific
types of environmental systems
In addition to the resources found in the book the author provides
many more excercises, case studies, models, and flight simulators on-line.
Modeling the Environment Online http://www.islandpress.org/ford/
is a comprehensive supplement to the text which also provides links
to a variety of on-line resources. Amongst the resources provided
are a free run-time version of High Performance System's
"Stella" software as well as many excercises, case studies, models,
and flight simulators.
Modeling the Environment is the first introductory textbook for a
technique of rapidly growing importance. It requires little or no
mathematical background, and is appropriate for undergraduate
environmental students as well as professionals new to modelling.
Developed from the author's own introductory course, it is
classroom-tested and represents an important contribution to the
field of system dynamics.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Eco-Compass has created an in-depth guide to Island Press, Earthscan and IUCN
books that have been adopted as textbooks or as supplemental reading material
in a wide variety of college and university courses.
We have provided complete chapters, tables of contents, and introductions for
each publication. Publications have been listed by course, title, and author
based on our course adoption records and your recommendations.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Environmental Film Festival in the Nations Capital
>From March 18 - 28 Washington, DC will play host to the seventh annual Environmental Film Festival. The festival will present 80 documentary,
feature, animated, archival and children's films selected to provide fresh prespectives on environmental issues around the globe.
For details visit http://www.islandpress.org/ecocompass/filmfes99.html
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