You are looking for model waste education programs, which is something that
the ZERI Foundation is doing. We have programs for children from primary
school to high schools, and for university level and post grad, for
corporations and political decision makers. What you are looking for, I
think, could be the ZERI Link program that we are running for high schools.
Once completed, it gives students an excellent understanding, in theory and
in practise, of how to create socially, financially and environmentally
sustainable businesses and societies.
ZERI Link is a great way to spread interest and real action into Zero
Emissions by giving the younger generation access to knowledge. In brief the
program looks like this:
ZERI Link teaches the students about how to achieve Zero Emissions. They
work with this in the classroom and out doing real and concrete projects at
local companies, applying their knowledge and creativity helping
participating companies to move towards Zero Emissions. Today ZERI Link
programs worldwide run between 3 months and one year and classes are taught
between two hours per week to twelve intensive days spread out over one
term. Setup is very flexible and can be decided in a dialogue between the
school, ZERI and participating organisation.
As an example of what is being done we can look at a school in Sweden called
Saeve High School. Sixteen students age 18-19 participate. They spend about
35 hours studying what Zero Emissions means and how it can be achieved.
After that they carry out a real project in two groups. One group does a
project for Ericsson (the mobile telephone company), looking at what they
can do with their organic soluables used in the processes. The other group
does a project for the Swedish Army and their handling of food through the
whole system. That is the phase they are in right now, and next will be the
presentations of the projects, to the organisations involved, to other
students, on the Internet and at the World Congress (see below).
The participating organisations are thrilled about having students helping
them. Before, they did not actively pursue Zero Emissions, too difficult to
grasp, today they want to know more, they want the knowledge that the
students have built. They see real benefit.
ZERI Link programmes today run in Japan, Sweden, the UK, Belgium and
Colombia, and the network is expanding. In October, parallell to the 5th
World Congress on Zero Emissions that will be held in Manizales in Colombia,
the 1st World Youth Congress on Zero Emissions will also be held. The number
of people expected to attend is about 4000.
If you think this is something for you, please contact me and we can talk
about how it can be developed for your specific conditions and preferences.
All the best,
Anders Karlsson
ZERI Foundation
Ph. +41-22-97 99 202
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jennifer Kent []
> Sent: 05 March 1999 07:48
> To:;
> Subject: [GRRN] Model waste education programs
> Hi all
> I am based in Sydney, Australia and working with a consortium on a project
> looking at model waste education programs in the following sectors -
> community education, schools education and workplace training. I would be
> interested in hearing from anyone who can recommend successful education
> programs aimed at waste avoidance, reuse and recycling. We are really
> looking at broader scale programs that have generated measurable behaviour
> change (but I also dont want to exclude programs that have great potential
> to do this).
> I'd appreciate any information provided.
> Apologies for any crosslistings.
> Regards
> Jenny Kent
> Mob: 0417 455 644
> E-mail:
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