[GRRN] Employment Opportunity

Katharine Bennett (katbennett@usa.net)
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 07:54:44 -0700

>Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 18:02:33 -0800
>From: Marti Matsch <marti@ecocycle.org>
>Organization: Eco-Cycle, Inc.
>To: kat <katbennett@usa.net>
>Subject: please post to Green Yes
>Community Outreach Director
>Exciting and fast-paced full-time job at the nation's largest non-profit
>recycler. Successful candidate will have excellent supervisory,
>organizational, fundraising, writing, public speaking skills, experience
>with media and volunteers, and work well on deadlines. Flexibility,
>humor, and commitment to recycling essential. Full health and other
>benefits. Send resume, letter, salary requirements and published writing
>samples (not a thesis) to CR Search, Eco-Cycle, P.O. Box 19006, Boulder,
>CO 80308. Deadline: March 19. No calls please.