[GRRN] EnviroJobs Mailing List

Dunn, Paul (pdunn@ci.omaha.ne.us)
Mon, 8 Feb 1999 09:01:24 -0600

Good day greenyes listers--
The subject of job postings on the greenyes list has been an issue from
time to time (regarding whether they are appropriate to the list or
not). I just found that Onelist has an EnviroJobs mailing list. Would
this fill the need?

To sign up for the list, you must get on the web and go to
Do a search for EnviroJobs. You'll have to sign up for a user ID which
is easy and allows you to change your profile easily (digest, turn

EnviroJobs [English]
This list is for students and professionals who are interested in
environmentally oriented careers. Join our list and discuss
environmental job opportunities, in demand skills, compare college
programs, ask questions, and/or engage in debates on environmental
issues. You can even get help with your classes. This list is absolutely
free and is not operated for profit.
For more information, http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ubikk/

--Paul Dunn
Recycling Coordinator, City of Omaha