Front page stories in the New York Times, Washington Post and television news
reports provide an opportunity to raise questions about the need for a new
approach to waste -- like GRRN's zero waste agenda.
The Republican governor of Virginia and Democrat U.S. Senator Chuck Robb want
to limit the New York City garbage sent to Virginia. Local activists are
holding weekly demonstrations in Richmond.
Senator Robb is talking about introducing legislation on interstate waste
giving local communities the right to say "no", despite past loses this seems
like something work talking about.
For those who missed it, the Washington Post did a front page series on waste
a couple months ago focused on Virginia, including the NYC garbage exports,
inappropriate waste being burned in Virginia incinerators and the influence of
waste industry lobbyists in Richmond.
Now all we need is Jay Leno and Saturday Night Live talking about the latest
NYC garbage barge.
Lance King