[GRRN] Fw: History of EPR

Bill Sheehan (bill_sheehan@mindspring.com)
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 14:23:12 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: MORIN Keri <MORIN.Keri@deq.state.or.us>
To: <zerowaste@grrn.org>
Sent: Friday, December 17, 1999 1:32 PM
Subject: History of EPR
Oregon's "Waste Policy Leadership Group" may be considering
a position on EPR for the next legislative session. As a person
on the task force, I was wondering if you have any comments
on when and how the momentum for EPR started, origninally
and in the US.

Didn't Germany's Green Dot program pretty much spur all the
EPR policy in the EU? And do you know when Asia became
interested or just have any suggestions on publications that
I might research this information in?

Thanks so much for your input,