-Debra Lombard
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Subject: GBlist: Recycling of glass fiber reinforced thermoset
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I am working for a french company which is interested in recycling of
glass fiber reinforced thermoset (phenolic resin + textile glass
As an intermediary, we are helping this company to get information about
The material, available in uncured state, comes from cutting scraps
which are at present cured and then processed as wastes (landfill).
In order to find a solution allowing recycling and/or adding value to
these scraps, or at least to reduce the present costs, we would like to
know the different solutions already provided in this field : Do
products or by-products coming from recycling of this kind of material
exist ? Do companies reclaiming the uncured material exist ? Who are the
organisations/people involved in this area ? What are the successes and
the failures ? etc.
Please, could you give us information ?
We thank you in advance for your collaboration and hope to hear from you
Best regards.
-- Jean-Pierre LABROSSE ARIST RHONE-ALPES 75 cours Albert Thomas - 69447 LYON CEDEX 03 Tel.: +33 (0)4 72 11 43 21 - Fax: +33 (0)4 72 11 43 23 mailto:labrosse@rhone-alpes.cci.fr Web Arist : http://www.arist.rhone-alpes.cci.fr
______________________________________________________________________ This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by CREST <www.crest.org> Environmental Building News <www.ebuild.com> and Oikos <www.oikos.com> For instructions send e-mail to greenbuilding-request@crest.org. ______________________________________________________________________
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