The remarkable result of statistical analysis on disposal and diversion
quantities per residential household is that two economic incentives - (1)
embedding both curbside recycling and curbside yard debris costs in garbage
fees, and (2) charging at least as much for additional cans of garbage as is
charged for the first can (as opposed to, for example, charging just 35% to
50% of first can cost for the second can, the so-called cost-of-service
garbage fee) - increases reduction and recycling rates by 25 percentage points
, holding a variety of other important factors constant, such as median
household income, yard size for occupied residences, and the absolute level
of garbage fees.
This result shows that communities can exert substantial influence on solid
waste disposal just through use of economic incentives. Less disposal means
lower use of virgin materials (e.g., less drilling for oil, cutting of trees,
mining for minerals), which in turn means lower impacts on ecological
habitats (for humans and all other species, e.g., cleaner air and water).
Further information on this study is available in SRMG's online newsletter The
Monthly UnEconomist at <> or <>.
Dr. Jeffrey Morris
Sound Resource Management
1477 Elliott Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98119-1304
206-352-9566 fax, or,, and