[GRRN] B.A.G.S. Special Report: Commercial Recycling

John McCrory (johnmccrory@mindspring.com)
Sun, 01 Aug 1999 01:48:19 -0400

Dear GreenYessers,

Big Apple Garbage Sentinel #11 includes a special report that will be of
interest to many of the subscribers to this list: the state of commercial
recycling in New York City. The New York City Department of Sanitation's
latest data show that only 4% of New York City's commercial waste stream is
being recycled, even though much more of it could be.

You can find this special report on the web at:

In the first of a two-part report, B.A.G.S. explores this often overlooked,
but large segment of the city's waste stream. I hope subscribers to this list
will find the report helpful, and also hope those who read it will respond
with comments and questions that can help me to produce the next part.

John McCrory

John McCrory, Publisher <mailto:johnmccrory@mindspring.com>
BIG APPLE GARBAGE SENTINEL <http://pratt.edu/~jmccrory/bags/>
333 4th St. #6I, Brooklyn, NY 11215 (718) 499-7460

The table of contents follows:

-- Diversion Rate Plunges 27%
-- Are Waste Firms Violating Recycling Laws?
-- The Cost of Not Recycling
-- Market Failure or Government Failure?
-- Making Sense of the Numbers
-- See for Yourself: B.A.G.S. Looks at the Latest Data
-- How YOU Can Get This Information - and Get Involved

Big Apple Garbage Sentinel is a fortnightly newsletter covering recycling and
garbage issues in New York City. Distributed by email, fax, postal mail, and
the world wide web, B.A.G.S. offers news and analysis of New York City's most
pressing environmental question: how to deal with its trash as the city
prepares to close Fresh Kills Landfill.