[GRRN] [Fwd: Eco-Compass, 7/15/99--Cool Companies]

Myra Nissen (myracycl@inreach.com)
Fri, 16 Jul 1999 07:06:02 -0700

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Subject: Eco-Compass, 7/15/99--Cool Companies
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How the Best Businesses Boost Profits and Productivity by Cutting
Greenhouse Emissions

Will reducing greenhouse gas emissions be a roadblock to growth?
A growing number of the best companies are looking beyond the
political debate on global warming to see a strategic opportunity
to increase profits and productivity. These "cool" companies have
worked to cut heat-trapping emissions by as much as 50 percent
in their buildings or factories.

In Cool Companies, energy expert Joseph J. Romm describes the
experiences of such successful companies as DuPont, 3M, Comaq,
Xerox, Toyota, Verifone, and Perkin-Elmer. In all he shows how
more than 50 companies have achieved bottom-line improvements
by improving processes, increasing energy efficiency, and adopting
new technologies. Using proven corporate strategies, Room shows
managers how they can build or retrofit their operations to reduce
emissions and achieve quick returns on the investment.

The latest edition of Eco-Compass provides numerous case studies
of how the "coolest" companies have reduced emissions through a
variety of approaches. You can access these case studies, along
with links to the best Websites on the topic, through Eco-Compass
at http://www.islandpress.org.

You can also review previous Eco-Compass features and the full list of
Island Press titles, by accessing http://www.islandpress.org


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